Tom Sampson

Active Member
Hi Folks ...
I am now just waiting for the FAA registration paperwork ... everything is done, and I am fine tuning all of the small stuff ...

We have a new Aerosport Power 0-320 and the standard Catto 3 blade prop. Tonight we did a 20 minute run at full power ... brakes set.
Max static RPMs were 2180.

For those of you with the 3 blade Catto prop, what static RPM did you get?

Tom Sampson
Tigard, Oregon
I have an O-360 with a 66X76 Catto, and I get right around 2200 rpm static. With less pitch for an O-320, you seem to be right on target.

On a related note- you did a 20 minute full power runup on the ground? Ouch! Did you watch the CHTs?

I have a Catto 3 Blade fp (cruise cut) on my ECI 0360. Static rpm is 2160-2180. Sounds like you are right where you should be assuming you chose the cruise cut.



Hi Tom,
Our fresh 0-360 also only turns 2200 since we asked Craig for max cruise speed pitch.

As an aside, I experimented with different climb speeds and found that we climb at 1200 FPM at 150 MPH! At 160 MPH we still do 1000+ FPM. At these speeds you also turn more RPMs and make more power as a result and the cooling is much better on these 98 degree days. On a medium temp day, we'll climb at 1900 FPM at 135-140. :)
RV-9A with O-320 170hp, 66x72 and I turn 2200 static. Your static RPM's will come up some as the engine breaks in. So like everyone else said, you are right on target.

I had a lot of long conversations with Craig during my Phase 1. Basically, he wants to see 2200 static RPM with a 500-550 RPM spread. So if you run 2200 static, he'd like to see you hitting 2700-2750 at WOT.

Per Allen Barrett at BPE, do NOT let your CHT's get over 385 while doing ground runs.
Catto Prop Static RPMs

Hi Guys.
I have also just received an email from Craig, and he has confirmed all of these points!

Sounds like we are very close.

We also fixed the Dynon fuel tank calibration (left tank was connected to the right tank lead!?!), and we saw active airspeed during a fast taxi / brake test.

C'mon FAA ... lets get the paperwork here!
