
Well Known Member
I spoke ro Nicole Catto last week, and she said the Braziian aircraft that set the new four cylinder world speed record was wearing one of their props. When that word grts around their new mfg. facility will be even busier than it already is. I'm glad the DreamWeaver's three blade is being delivered this week.

Now if Cummings starts offering the three blade spinner ......:eek:
Catto Props

I believe they made 3 props for the various world record attempts. Nicole tells me that the blade design was basically the same as that currently produced for our RV aircraft but with a LOT more pitch for the speed runs!!! They had 7 world records that they felt they had a shot at breaking----and the initial results show they broke 5 of them---not a bad performance. Article in the current issue of EAA's mag about it---I believe it is titled the Anequim Project.

Put these high speed records on top of the performance they are providing the bush pilots (see the Valdez short t/o and landings results over the years), we RV builders, and their original market -- the Rutan designed pushers-----and you can see why they sell so many props------and they are really nice people "to boot" (Texas term)!!!


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Paulo Iscold(sp?) along with his aeronautical engineering class designed the record setting airplane. He also worked with Craig Catton on the all carbon fiber retrofit wing for the Cassutt that was featured in Kitplanes magazine recently.
I attended a forum with Craig at OSH, where he spoke about prop design factors in general and specifically used the Brazilian aircraft as a case study. It was pretty interesting stuff in general, and after talking to Craig at his booth later in the week, I finally talked myself out of spending $10k on a Whirlwind prop when the time comes.
The plane is named Anequim. Awesome forum by Craig up at Oshkosh talking about it and the different props built for the different purposes. My 3-blade prop is being delivered tomorrow. Got the carbon fiber spinner last night. Will be posting pictures over the weekend. This is a big week of deliveries for me.
Buy, buy, BUY! (Like on Mad Money)

I ordered my 3-blade today! Of course I've been "researching" for a year. (Not to be confused with procrastinating :D)
When it comes to Catto props, I use the same statement that hypochondriacs put on their tomb stones;

"See. I told ya!"
When it comes to Catto props, I use the same statement that hypochondriacs put on their tomb stones;

"See. I told ya!"

Do they get their tombstones made before they die? That must be "just in case". I'm going to let my family put something on mine. :D
Hypochondriac Tomb Stone


I almost choked on my cereal when I read that statement about hypochondriacs--the laugh made my day!


Catto prop fence

are you guys getting a prop fence with Catto? it was going so fast it burned up the trailing edge of the prop.

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Short answer - no. Longer answer - they weren't offered when I ordered mine. I seem to remember from a conversation somewhere that the fences were still under development and/or determining whether they're really worth it for non-specialty/racing props.

are you guys getting a prop fence with Catto? it was going so fast it burned up the trailing edge of the prop.
