
Well Known Member
Looking for some advice. I had my heart set on a catto three blade for my 9a back A LONG time ago. Due to poor communication i gave up. I have decided in the last year that the bullet proof sens fixed pitch was the way to go. Further, the rumour that sens will have a ground adjustable for the RV specific out soon got me kind of excited about that choice. Dont need the prop for 6-8 more months.

Now, out of the blue, Catto advised me they are ready to paint my prop? Say what, who, why? Never ordered one, no deposit...wierd. But, somehow they logged my questions as an order. I guess i can have the catto i dreamed of well over a year ago, in the very near future.

What to do? I am a little worried that the plane will not have a hanger when finished and might actually have to sit out in the weather. UGGGGH. Not good for the catto.
Further, for adjustments, nicks etc...i live a long way from California and service will not be easy.

BUT.. SEXY three blader from a guy with a GREAT reputation all at a very fair price... hmmmmm

Any suggestions, need to pull the trigger in the next day or two and say ok to the one waiting at Catto.

Comments welcome. Tough choice...really really want the catto..just not sure if wise.:confused:

you have 6-8months to decide if you're going to use it. I sure someone would buy it from you, if need be.

No problem Rick, I will trade you for my Sens and a 4" prop extension. Let me know when you want it shipped. I already have your address.
Catto! Hands down!


Craig is one of the people that I am grateful to have met through this RV community. Having travelled to Craig's place twice in the past year and viewing the attention to detail and passion to deliver the best possible design, I can only see a Catto prop as an option.

Good luck.
Hi Rick,

Check below my sig---the following recommendation is from an "unbiased" reader.


Really, you will be very happy with the prop's performance, appearance, and ease of maintenance. I once fixed a minor gravel ding on mine while at a remote West Texas private airstrip (Thanks again Chase). A little quick set epoxy and my wife's emory board.

You can also be assured, in the unlikely event that you do not want to keep it, there will be a line of people wanting to buy it from you!


You don't want a heavy Sensinich prop restricted to 2600 RPM on your bird.

I sure hope your paint job is better than the one I got on my 2 blade. Craig must have been having a bad day.
Weather not really a factor

What to do? I am a little worried that the plane will not have a hanger when finished and might actually have to sit out in the weather. UGGGGH. Not good for the catto.
Further, for adjustments, nicks etc...i live a long way from California and service will not be easy.

Catto props (I have now owned one for eight years) should not be affected by wind, rain, sun or any hail less than football size. :) They are laminated wood cores that are fully encased in composite. They are STRONG.

As for repairs, unless you make a MAJOR boo boo, fixing nicks, dents, scratches, etc is very easy. Craig will happily give you the instructions over the phone, but they are dirt simple. Feather sand the insult, fill with good quality epoxy/flox, sand, prime and apply touch up paint. He uses PPG concept paint (or used to) and will supply you with the colors.

I have collected numerous booboos on my Catto over the years. I even had a semi-major one (dipstick passed through the prop). I did a spot repair and flew the bird home.

Just got done smoothing out with all the minor nicks, etc. Had a friend sand and paint it. Looks brand new.

Ran it today, smooth as ever.

I've flown mine in some fairly heavy rain for short periods with no noticeable effects. I did slow down quite a bit.

As for adjustments, if you give Craig accurate numbers to work with, your prop will probably be spot on.

I love Catto props.

Nuff said.
As for adjustments, if you give Craig accurate numbers to work with, your prop will probably be spot on.

I love Catto props.

Nuff said.

Man, you got that right. I told Criag what I think I wanted, 2800 RPM straight & level full throttle, and he nailed it within 10 RPM! He also told me I would add 15 MPH guaranteed, he was off by 2 MPH, but that is here in winter.
catto prop's are hands down the choice

I don't think you have an option, GET THE CATTO
its faster smoother and SEXY as he!!

Like Dave B said above, I'd buy your IO-320 Catto 3 blade in a heartbeat. After I saw his and heard how happy he was with the performance, the decision was made.
Pulling off the spinner everytime to change a ground adjustable prop doesn't thrill me much either. Get the three blade.


Thanks all, I told them to paint it up and ship it out. I knew i really really wanted the sexy three blade. :cool:
Plus it just feels better spending money at a small one man shop instead of the big boys where you are just customer #14000.

Now i just need an engine. :eek:

Going to have to adjust my tag line, 10-320/catto three blade baby.