Take a few seconds to do a search and you will find tons of information on them. Most people really seem to like them, but order it plenty in advance...it can take a while to get yours :)

i emailed several folks here with catto, every one was 100% happy. The guy makes a nice product. The only issue i had was they never respond to emails EVER, their prices are goofy. They charge what they charge...no issues, but when their website said $1800 and he quotes me $2000 and I ask why the price jump.... oh i havent got to change it yet. Then i talk to another builder that is getting it for $1800 you get the point. $200 isnt going to kill me, but its like sitting on a plane and you paid $400 for your seat and the guy next to you paid 1/2 price. Just rubs me the wront way.
Three blader makes taking off the cowl harder i am told, but looks tres cool.
Check out the pics of mike schippers. Sweeeeeeeeeet.
There are lots of posts here regarding the Catto props. Do a search using only "Catto" and you'll get a lot of useful info. So far, my only experience is with ordering one and waiting for the call from Craig to let me know it's ready. :rolleyes:
There are lots of posts here regarding the Catto props. Do a search using only "Catto" and you'll get a lot of useful info. So far, my only experience is with ordering one and waiting for the call from Craig to let me know it's ready. :rolleyes:

My call from Craig came the week before Christmas telling me that the material for my prop had been cut and that it would be ready for delivery the middle of January. I ordered it the middle of February, 2007 so his delivery time is still around eleven months. I knew that going in so I ordered it a year before I would need it. Looks like first flight will be in March so timing was just about right.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, O-360-A1A, Catto 3 bld, GRT EFIS Sport/HC
Just received mine- approx 11 months delivery...

Delivery was about 2 months late, but I had been keeping in touch with Craig and it didn't kill me tiime wise.

I picked it up from USPS yesterday- one very funny shaped package that I could carry over my shoulder!

I opened it and was BEAUTIFUL!

I got mine silver with black tips, I will need to add some weight to the front with the spacers and crush plate, but I'm going to try it out without ASAP.
I will need to add some weight to the front with the spacers and crush plate, but I'm going to try it out without ASAP.

Try a Landoll ring. I installed one on my 6A with Catto 3 blade and it really made a difference in both CG and smoother idle.

Be Prepared to Wait.

I ordered mine in 11/06 with an estimated delivery date of 8/07. I am still waiting but I don't mind, I am not ready for it yet anyway. Like others before me, I talked to several people about them before I ordered, never heard a bad thing about them or him, except for the wait time. Hope this helps.
Try a Landoll ring. I installed one on my 6A with Catto 3 blade and it really made a difference in both CG and smoother idle.

I put 5/8" spools between my engine mount and the firewall moving everything 5/8" farther forward. Should put me in the c/g sweet spot.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, O-360-A1A, Catto 3 bld., slider
I second Glenn's post.
When researching, I personally contacted many Catto users...not even a criticism (except for the long wait to get the prop). All 100% are happy with their prop and had nothing but good to say about Craig himself. A real gentleman.
He's a very small (1 man??) shop with "alot" of orders, RV & others. Keep trying and you can contact him. He really gets swamped, especially around Oshkosh and some other air show times.
The 3 blade prop I received from Catto weighs 18 lbs and is a pure work of art! My wife made me get it off the coffee table! :D
If you can stand the wait, from what I hear from actual users....you'll be very happy with the prop.
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I put 5/8" spools between my engine mount and the firewall moving everything 5/8" farther forward. Should put me in the c/g sweet spot.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, O-360-A1A, Catto 3 bld., slider

If I'm visualizing this correctly, the spools will put your engine mount bolts in an offset shear condition which is very bad from a structural standpoint.

Have you run this idea past Van's or someone with an understanding of structural engineering?