Well Known Member
I've decided to replace my Pacesetter prop with something that will allow infrequent operation in light/medium rain. I know the Sensenich will be the most durable, but would like to keep the weight similar to what it is with the wood prop. Does anyone have any experience flying their Catto in the rain? Will it hold up better than a wood prop with an epoxy strip on the leading edge?
I've had a two blade Catto Prop on my RV-6. I live in Oregon where it rains alot. I like the propeller, but if you don't throttle back in the rain, the leading edge gets beat up pretty fast. I'm about to send the prop back to Craig and have him refinish the leading edge and apply the protection tape he has. The propeller is very smooth running and more efficient than the wood prop my airplane came with. The rain storm that beat it up had a 50 kt headwind component associated with it. I was making about 98 kts over the ground and getting kicked around by turbulance. I didn't feel like slowing down. I'll know more when I see how the protection tape Catto uses performs. For me, it is not acceptable without the tape.
The Catto Prop weighs 2 pounds more than the wood prop. I'd like to see him develop a stainless steel leading edge similar to MT Propellers.

Bob Severns
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CraigH@KRPH said:
I've decided to replace my Pacesetter prop with something that will allow infrequent operation in light/medium rain. I know the Sensenich will be the most durable, but would like to keep the weight similar to what it is with the wood prop. Does anyone have any experience flying their Catto in the rain? Will it hold up better than a wood prop with an epoxy strip on the leading edge?
MT has a "new" (???) Scimitar-looking prop that is is fixed pitch and supposed to be rain-durable. Priced like the Sensenich but has the weight and other positive qualities of a wood prop.

I think there are two flying now (I am one of them). I don't have much data yet and will not before next week probably but I did just go through some light showers with no problem.

Please update this thread as you have more details. I had also heard about the new MT prop, but couldn't find any info on their website as to where it could be ordered. The Van's website didn't mention the fixed pitch MT prop either.
Roger, Wilco. First Impressions ...

CraigH@KRPH said:
Please update this thread as you have more details. I had also heard about the new MT prop, but couldn't find any info on their website as to where it could be ordered. The Van's website didn't mention the fixed pitch MT prop either.
0. First, I plan to share the FACTS with MT first (good or bad) just in case I get something wrong. It is hard to pull back erroneous info.

Now some impressions.

1. It is **PRETTY**! (may not mean anything to some .. but to me it does)
2. It is as lightweight as the Ed Sterba wood prop (no CG change).
3. You *must* (in my opinion) get the back spacer from Vans so the root of the blade does not hit the edge of the aft spinner bulkhead.
4. The max RPM I can turn on it is (AS EXPECTED) lower than what I could turn on the Sterba. Details later. See "0. First" above.
5. Installation is like just about any other wood prop. No surprises unless you count #3 above as such.
6. I have flown it through some **light** rain to no ill effects.
7. Oh, this is on an O-320, 160HP RV6.
8. Finally, NO, I do **not** have any preliminary performance numbers to share even with MT as I have not done any "controlled" testing. I have been sorting out some OTHER matters with the plane.

Did I mention it looks "pretty". :)

That's all for now. Maybe some facts in about a week as I will be away for several days *AND* doing some OTHER things to the plane in prep for a Formation Clinic and Oshkosh.

smithhb said:
James,who was the vendor for the "new style" MT prop?
It came from MT in Germany.

I got it via MT Propeller USA in Florida (ask for Doug). I am in SC.

I also got a lot of assistance from Jim Ayers ("Less Drag") in California even though it was not coming through him. I am sure he can help as well.

I have flown behind a Catto two blader and an Performance Props two blader for the last 10 years. The Performance Prop does better in rain but with both you need to throttle back, I use 22-2400 rpm in the rain.
I have a Catto on my O-360/RV-6. It does just fine in rain, but you do need to throttle back to 2300 or so. I highly recommend having Craig put the leading edge tape on when you order.
Erosion strips

What about those clear leading edge tapes, I believe you can get for the prop. That would be easier to replace than refinish the prop leading edge. Not sure how durable the tape is.
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