
Well Known Member
Why write this? First, there is very little direct comparison data on FP props on the same airplane in similar conditions. Second, I'm not aware of any data comparing these two well reputed props. Third, I hope to learn from the other members of the forum by presenting this information.

I started with a Prince P-Tip and recently bought a Catto. The P-Tip is a 2-blade and the Catto is a 3-blade. I did some testing under almost identical climate conditions. In both cases, a mild high with haze layer below and clear above. On warmer days I've had higher speeds from the P-Tip by about 6 kts and I don't know why the difference, but at least these two runs were under very similar conditions.

Both props were pitched by their makers after thorough discussion about my engine, cowl, fairings, etc. but still ended up too finely pitched. This may be evidence that my engine is stronger than expected. However, the airplane is not going as fast as it should, so that's an unsolved mystery for now. The Catto is on its way back to Craig for adjustment.

Both prop makers are excellent people to work with and I'd have no hesitation in recommending either one.

The instrument is a GRT Horizon & EIS and the EFIS is calibrated for TAS as per manufacturer's directions. Based on how it computes hw/xw and on the GPS speeds, I believe the TAS is accurate to within 1 knot. The OAT is below the wing in the first inspection panel and seems to agree with the ASOS once it stabilizes after leaving the heated hangar.The EFIS altimeter is IFR certified and tested to a max error of 20' all the way to 20K. The MAP was calibrated when the IFR check was done.

Cruise Data
Start with full tanks
OAT -6 deg C at altitude
Density Alt 9130
Power (per EFIS) 76%
WOT, best power mixture by ear
10.2 gph (maybe higher)
2750 rpm
168 KTAS

Start with -19 gallons = 114 pounds approx.
OAT -3 deg C at altitude
Density Alt 9472
Power (per EFIS) 78%
WOT, best power mixture by ear
10.8 gph
2810 rpm
173 KTAS

Climb Observations
Catto climbs better but at lower RPM: 2200 vs 2400, roughly, with about >200 fpm difference for Catto. Takeoff quicker by a few feet and accelleration subjectively better. The P-Tip climbed at about 1500 FPM using 16.4 GPH at 2440 rpm. I did not write down the climb numbers for the Catto, but I remember seeing 1800 or more on the VSI and lower GPH.Test was done about 100 pounds lighter but this seems to me a difference beyond the weight difference. In other flights I thought the Catto was doing this, even with a passenger and the FPM was higher.

Noise observations
If there's a difference, the P-Tip is quieter, but the difference could be how I inserted my HALO earplugs that day.

Other factors
The Catto is significantly out of balance and thus could be expected to perform a little better if balanced better.

Side Note #1
Prince says his prop self adjusts by as much as 3" of pitch based on load and rpm and until now I could not test that. The RPM range of the P-tip is about 200-250 less than that of the Catto and this is evidence that Prince is correct. Range here means from climb/static to top power at altitude. It's interesting that while the prop does seem to self adjust, the 3-blade Catto is climbing better and going faster anyhow. While the difference in cruise is not great and can be attributed to higher RPM (higher power), the climb difference is clear. Conventional wisdom says the 3-blade will climb better and cruise slower.

Side Note #2
Power percentage is, as I've noted before, a slippery concept. These numbers show that. In both cases I moved the red knob to where the airplane flew the fastest but I don't know how much ROP that was. The BSFC's should have been very close to equal. The Density Altitudes were quite close and should not matter anyhow. Superior says that at peak EGT BSFC is .43 and at 75 degrees ROP it's .50. So best power is likely at something between .43 and .50. (a quick Google of "best power EGT" gets answers from 25 to 125 ROP.) If we arbitrarily use an optimistic .45, then 10.2 gph is about 75% but if we use .50, then 10.2 gph is 68%. For 10.8 gph, it's 80% and 72%. The ratio of 10.2 to 10.8 does not equal that of 76 to 78. It's possible my 10.2 number is wrong. It's also interesting to note that the traditional 8000 Density Altitude would, in my airplane, give well above 75%. On the Catto flight, I tried it and WOT at 8000 yielded 82%. I think that's the result of the ram air in the intake snout, but I have no direct proof other than in other tests with this airplane, the MAP values were higher than the DA would account for and the MAP has been calibrated.
More info on the Catto please.

What pitch is your 3 blade Catto? Is it the newer style? I know that Craig has changes the blade a bit making hte newer 74 euqal to the older 76 pitch. How old is this prop.

Also, can you comment on how speed varies as you drop RPM. What speed did you get at 2500RPM, ect.

At a particluar altitide, is your speed linear with RPM?
responding to whifof100ll

What pitch is your 3 blade Catto? Is it the newer style? I know that Craig has changes the blade a bit making hte newer 74 euqal to the older 76 pitch. How old is this prop.

Also, can you comment on how speed varies as you drop RPM. What speed did you get at 2500RPM, ect.

At a particluar altitide, is your speed linear with RPM?

It is the new blade design; I've had the prop since November 2007. He calls it a 66 x 74. Due to very little flight time, I cannot comment on this prop's linearity of rpm to speed, but even the Prince's ratios are pretty constant in the cruise ranges. On the Prince, the average effective pitch is 73.5 with a Standard Deviation of 1.0 in 21 data points, a high of 75.5 and a low of 71.4. The observations were at various power, rpm and density altitudes. Details on request. I don't see a pattern in the data thus I have no idea what makes for the variations.
New Data

Catto Prop 3-blade, new blade shape, re-pitched by Craig to keep the RPM's under redline. First flight. Smooth air, but cold.

NTPS 3-way run using TT autopilot with altitude hold. Flew GPS tracks 360, 240 and 120 degrees.

MAP 22.85"
-4 Centigrade
RPM 2660
78% power per GRT
Pressure Altitude 8480 +/- 10'
Density Altitude 8000-8100
360=176, 240=169, 120=181, TAS=175.4 kts.
Full rich (a little more speed might be available with best power mixture)
Too rich

Good news....your speed is very close to ours but even in cold weather, I see a definite increase in RPMs at the higher altitudes as I lean. Our best so far was 204, solo, 7500' warm spring day, leaned aggressively, WOT..2700 RPMs.

Catto Prop

I Have a 3 blade Catto for my Lancair 360. Everyone has been telling me not to use it and get a Hartzell CS. They all claim its too hard to slow the airplane down with a fixed pitch. Have you guys been having any problems with this on your RV's?
Yep its true

I Have a 3 blade Catto for my Lancair 360. Everyone has been telling me not to use it and get a Hartzell CS. They all claim its too hard to slow the airplane down with a fixed pitch. Have you guys been having any problems with this on your RV's?
Well you should know right, or are you not flying. It is true, constant speed props will slow down faster when you pull the throttle back and put it into low-pitch/flat-pitch/high-RPM.

A fixed is just that and has a bigger pitch or bite in the patten so it makes more thrust at idle. Some of the real light two blade all wood props need higher idle RPM for smooth idle on the ground, so that aggravates it further. The metal blades have more inertial so you can idle smoother at low RPM with the flywheel affect.

Is it a problem? No you learn to live with it. You can assume a fixed pitch prop will get a little more engine out glide.

For a constant speed prop, it would be nice if you could increase the pitch with the engine windmilling; there is probably not enough oil pressure to do that. I have not tested it but as a CFI I have never seen it written down in and AFM.

Some claim they pull the blue knob back and feel the difference with their constant speed prop? The Aerobatic prop will go to high pitch. It's not going to feather but will go to high pitch with out oil pressure. The MT three blades I hear are down right scary engine out, windmilling. They just have more flat plate drag than a two blade prop. The down side with acro props is they are counter weighted, so they are heavier. To me this is a second or third strike why I thing two blades are better than three.

Bottom line slowing down is probably the last consideration you want to consider when deciding on a prop. There are other more prominent factors. Now RV'ers are into formation flying and if you are flying with a bunch of constant speed prop RV's and you have fixed, it can get sporty. You just can't slow down like you can with the c/s prop.
Dos Blades Catto Por Favor...

Craig made the first 2 blade RV prop for my RV4 back in 99' when I lived near his shop in CA. I stipulated 69" diameter for my short gear legs and frequent use of gravel runways in the Idaho mountains. Craig used 72 pitch and with my 150HP Narrow Deck 0-320 it was a perfect combination. Craigs desire for customer satisfaction was exemplary. With the exception of rain protection, the Catto prop is a home run in value, performance and efficiency. Applying leading edge tape from Tennessee Propellers cures rain damage but reduces performance about 1-2%.
One of my buds owned a Catto 3 blade 160HP RV4 and was slower and only an even match in climb with my 2 blade, suprisingly even with slightly more HP. At equal RPM my 150HP 2 blade was 5-7 knots faster at higher power settings (above 2500). We even switched props and the roles reversed. As stated previously, 2 blades are more efficient than 3. Less drag=More speed and efficiency. Having tried many props on my RV4, the Catto 2 blade was the most efficient across the board, but not the fastest. That honor went to my Hertzler composite and Margie Warnke "Claw"...As far as Fixed Pitch props being hard to slow down, "technique is everything". Turning my RV4 sideways in the air slowed it down very well...:)

Rob Ray

In the Rocket world John Harmon has shown the big 2-blade "Paddle Hartzell J-twist" as the most efficient prop on the Rocket. My 2 Blade Hartzell Rocket is no exception having flown alongside 3 blade MT's and Hartzells and been faster across the board. In my ANG squadron of our nine RV4's the fastest and most efficient was a 190HP C/S 2 blade Hartzell.
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With my 66 x 76 Catto 3-blade (delivered approx March 2006) the best RPM I've seen since flying is about 2650 RPM and that has given me a TAS of 172.7 kts. Below is a little table of speed vs RPM all done using a 3-way (triangular) course method. If you plot them, it shows a pretty linear relationship. All testing done at 8500' and static air temp of 52F.

RPM - Speed
2640 - 171.7
2590 - 164.8
2470 - 159.3
2340 - 150.4
2250 - 143.7

I bet I can better results if I achieved the full 2700 RPM. Unfortunately I can't give up the prop long enough to get it repitched. That being said, the CFO has approved a constant speed prop sometime this year. I can't wait for that. Because if there's one thing I dislike about my Catto is that it doesn't maintain a constant RPM... it's always hunting for equilibrium. You always have to be on the power...whether it's flying formation or during instrument training. Picking a power setting and leaving it there is fine in straight and level unaccelerated flight. However whenever you start turning or even if it's really windy out there, the prop will speed up or slow down.

Sorry, picking up 6.9 kts for a 50 rpm change in your first example is not realistic.
What's that last 50 rpm worth

My speed at 2650 is 175.3. Divide by 2650 and multiply by 2700. You get 178.6 for a difference of 3.3. Yours is similar.

In reality, it doesn't work this way and you'd likely get less than 3.3. To turn the engine faster you have to reduce the pitch, so each revolution is worth less in forward motion.

To go faster you need more HP in the percentage equal to the cube of the speed difference. This is true regardless of RPM.

By turning the engine faster (assuming flat torque) you would increase HP a little. You'd get 1.00624 more speed (0.624%) from the additional HP. (2700/2650)^(1/3). If you are going 200 mph, you would get 1.2 mph.

At least that's what my simplistic math tells me. You are probably right not to send it back to Craig. Your RPM and mine are almost identical. I'm happy to have a little margin to keep me from redlining it.
"As stated previously, 2 blades are more efficient than 3. Less drag=More speed and efficiency."
This is one of those "every knows" things, but they never tell you why. They call up some nebulous thing called "tip loss", but don't or can't explain it. I have in front of me two pictures; one is of the A400M turboprop with eight-blade props, the other is of a fixed-pitch, 18 or 20-blade, fixed-pitch prop, which is the fan on the front of the new Mitsubishi MRJ and Pratt & Whitney's GTF engine! Let's look at this thing from the stand-point of a wing. I have two wings of 100 sf; one is 20' span by 5' chord, the other is 28.3' span by 3.54' chord. Each wing during one second of flight intercepts a volume of air which is a tube of the diameter of the wing span and the length is the forward velocity fps. For a given velocity the longer wing will intercept twice the volume of air as the shorter wing, and so twice the mass. Since lift is a force proportional to m-dot v, where v is the downwash, (F=MA), the longer wing will have half of the downwash of the shorter wing. Any energy put into the air is energy lost, so the shorter wing loses twice the energy to the air in producing lift; its L/D will be half as good as the longer wing. This is known as "induced loss" or "induced drag", the result of producing lift. This is why a high aspect ratio wing has a much better L/D than a lower aspect ratio wing of the same area. So let's apply this same thinking to the number of blades on a prop. Let's take and compare a four-blade prop to a two-blade prop of the same diameter. As in the wing, each blade intercepts a volume and mass of air contained in a tube which has the diameter of the prop and the forward velocity of the plane. Since the four-blade intercepts twice the mass of the two-blade, and thrust is m-dot v, the downwash v from each blade will be only half as much as the two-blade, ergo each blade operates at twice the L/D of the two-blade for the same total amount of thrust, and each blade has only twice the amount of loading, so its area and parasite drag will be half as much. Additionally, its tip vortex will be half as great since that is proportional to loading of the blade. That is why multi-blade props have better static thrust and climb. But, if you make a multi-blade prop with klunky, high-drag blade-root shapes, it will not cruise as fast as the two blade. That's why there were streamlined cuffs put on prop blades of planes such as the P-51, to cut down on the prop drag. If you know of any technical argument that will explain why multi-blade props are not as good as two-blade props, please share it here so that we may all learn!
Efficiency vs utility...

Obviously, excellent point. Here are several engineering examples I found that cover some of the ground, but not all of it.


Propeller Blade design
A further consideration is the number and the shape of the blades used. Increasing the aspect ratio of the blades reduces drag but the amount of thrust produced depends on blade area, so using high aspect blades can lead to the need for a propeller diameter which is unusable. A further balance is that using a smaller number of blades reduces interference effects between the blades, but to have sufficient blade area to transmit the available power within a set diameter means a compromise is needed. Increasing the number of blades also decreases the amount of work each blade is required to perform, limiting the local Mach number - a significant performance limit on propellers.
A propeller's performance suffers as the blade speed exceeds the speed of sound. As the relative air speed at the blade is rotation speed plus axial speed, a propeller blade tip will reach sonic speed sometime before the rest of the aircraft (with a theoretical blade the maximum aircraft speed is about 845 km/h (Mach 0.7) at sea-level, in reality it is rather lower). When a blade tip becomes supersonic, drag and torque resistance increase suddenly and shock waves form creating a sharp increase in noise. Aircraft with conventional propellers, therefore, do not usually fly faster than Mach 0.6. There are certain propeller-driven aircraft, usually military, which do operate at Mach 0.8 or higher, although there is considerable fall off in efficiency.

There have been efforts to develop propellers for aircraft at high subsonic speeds. The 'fix' is similar to that of transonic wing design. The maximum relative velocity is kept as low as possible by careful control of pitch to allow the blades to have large helix angles; thin blade sections are used and the blades are swept back in a scimitar shape (Scimitar propeller); a large number of blades are used to reduce work per blade and so circulation strength; contra-rotation is used. The propellers designed are more efficient than turbo-fans and their cruising speed (Mach 0.7–0.85) is suitable for airliners, but the noise generated is tremendous (see the Antonov An-70 and Tupolev Tu-95 for examples of such a design).

Propeller Efficiency

In addition to the engine efficiency factors described above the piston and turbo-prop aircraft must also contend with the efficiency of the propeller at converting the power into thrust. The following discussion about propeller efficiency applies equally to piston and turbo-prop aircraft.

Propeller efficiency refers to the percentage of Brake Horsepower (BHP) which gets converted into useful Thrust Horsepower (THP) by the propeller. The propeller is never 100% efficient. Therefore the propeller efficiency is always a number less than one. The definition is:

Neta is propeller efficiency.

In the last chapter we saw that the efficiency of a wing (as measured by the maximum L/D ratio) depends upon the aspect ratio of the wing and the angle of attack at which the wing operates. The efficiency of a propeller depends upon the same things. In other words propellers with high aspect ratios will be more efficient than short stubby propellers. Additionally, each propeller will have an optimum angle of attack. When operated at the optimum angle of attack the propeller will be most efficient.

So, all we have to do is figure out what affects the angle of attack of a propeller.
Propeller Angle of Attack
Some propellers have more than two blades but all the concepts developed here will still apply.

Each blade cross-section is moving along an arc around the crankshaft as well as traveling forward. As a result its motion is a helix.

Before we consider the full helix motion let us look at the simpler case where the engine is running but the aircraft is not moving. (For example the pilot is standing on the brakes while running the engine up, just prior to a short field takeoff.)
Propeller blade angle as the angle between the chord of the propeller airfoil and the arc of rotation (i.e. 90 degrees to the crankshaft.) On a constant speed propeller this angle is variable. On a fixed pitch propeller it is fixed.

The rotational velocity is the speed of rotation, which depends upon the rpm (n) of the engine and the diameter (D) of the propeller blade (the green vector in the diagram.)

In our example there is no forward speed. Therefore, the blade angle and the angle of attack are the same.

Effect of TAS on Propeller Angle of Attack

The important things to note are:

1. Propeller angle of attack Decreases as TAS increases
2. Propeller angle of attack Increases as rotational velocity increases (rpm x Diameter increases)

We therefore know that the thrust produced by the propeller, which is nothing more than lift by another name, will decrease as the TAS increases because the propeller will be operating at a smaller angle of attack. This will reduce the coefficient of lift for the propeller and thrust will drop off. When the pilot increases rpm the angle of attack of the propeller will increase. Thus, thrust will increase and the aircraft will accelerate.
Propeller Efficiency
As we learned before, any given wing will have a certain angle of attack at which it if most efficient. This will be true for the propeller as well. It is after all just a wing flying around in a helix pattern. Since the angle of attack of the propeller depends on both rpm, diameter and TAS, the propeller efficiency will vary according to the ratio of these factors. The ratio Velocity/rpm x diameter is called the Advance Ratio. The most efficient J depends upon the propeller blade angle. Course propellers (large blade angles) will be more efficient at larger advance ratios. Fine pitch propellers will be more efficient at small advance ratios.
When choosing a fixed pitch propeller an aeronautical engineer usually chooses one, which is optimum for cruise. However, s/he might choose one, which is optimum for climb if designing a seaplane, tow plane etc.
With a fixed pitch propeller, getting the ideal advance ratio while also keeping the aircraft's wing at the ideal angle of attack for best range will be almost impossible. That is why constant speed propellers are desirable for cross-country airplanes.

With a constant speed propeller the blade angle will vary from a small angle to a large angle. (The low and high pitch stops.) This allows the propeller to be efficient (i.e. operate at the optimum angle of attack) at a variety of advance ratios.

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Smokey: If you have seen Jack Norris' new book on prop design, you will see that he says that the elliptical loading I chose in the design of my props is actually superior to the Betz, Goldstein, Theodorsen loading which had previosly been thought the most efficient. He says that now the theoretical efficiency limit is about 95%. From my testing, it appears mine perform at about 90%+ in cruise. Ask Tom Aberle how he likes the four-blade on his biplane racer that got his speed from 220 mph to 252 mph!