
Well Known Member
Just spoke to Catto yesterday and they are getting ready to make a run of Rv props, 6 -8 week lead time now if you order by next week. Next production run will probably be several months followed by the 6-8 week lead time.
Catto 6-52 week lead time?

That's interesting... I ordered a Catto prop last August and was told about 10 weeks. Well I"m still waiting and I'm beginning to think I've been taken in on some sort of ponzi scheme! I know Catto is a reputable company but has anyone else had to wait over 6 months for a prop?? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that this will be worth the wait.
Greatest need

It seems that Craig Catto's objective is to send the props produced to those who will use them the soonest. He told me once his goal was to not have anyone grounded waiting for a prop from him. So if you are a year from flying, someone who is a month from flying may get a prop first, even if you ordered yours first.
?That's interesting... I ordered a Catto prop last August and was told about 10 weeks. Well I"m still waiting?

I ordered mine about the same time and it shipped Monday and should be here this Monday. I called about once a month to see what was going on. In all fairness, he did ask if I was in a hurry when I ordered. I also think he said something about machine issues but, I really do not remember exact.
When I called in Jan, Craig said they were going to start a run of RV 3 blade props in 2 weeks. I asked when the next run was going to start and he was uncertain, maybe next aug/sept. I won't need mine for a while but I didn't want to wait for the next run so I ordered it in Jan. I told them I could take one of the last ones and just got the email today that it's been CNC'd and a couple weeks for composites/leading edges/paint.
Ordered my Catto in May2012 & had it in about 6weeks. Had it repitched a little last month & only about 10 day turnaround. Shipping time took longer than repair time. Now just need weather to clear up to see how it runs in cruise flight.

Almost here!

Nicole called me several days ago and they are finishing my prop and it should be arriving next week!
Catto Prop

Talking about Catto Prop, I have one ( 3 Bladded ) on my RV-4 ( 2002 vintage ) and I will need to fix a little ding on one of the blade and I'm wondering what are you guys who have done it used to fill the ding.

Epoxy, fiberglass ????

Also how hard is it to install the prop tape if you have done it to your prop and where can I get some of that..Spruce??

If you have pictures on how you did it, so much the better.


[email protected]
So my prop was going to be done at the end of March, but nickel leading edges are in short supply and its shipping out this Fri! I'm glad I ordered early, while sometimes hard to get a hold of I've found Craig and Nicole very helpful. I can't wait to see it!
Craig's answer to same question

Talking about Catto Prop, I have one ( 3 Bladded ) on my RV-4 ( 2002 vintage ) and I will need to fix a little ding on one of the blade and I'm wondering what are you guys who have done it used to fill the ding.

Epoxy, fiberglass ????
[email protected]

Hi Bruno,

My friend Bernard has a small ding in his prop and here's what Craig answered when we asked him for advice on how to repair it
You can do the repair easily with a standard epoxy fiberglass resin. You want to make sure the damaged area is a bit warm, perhaps like with a hair dryer, then apply the epoxy resin to the damaged area. With the area being warm, the epoxy will ?wick? or ?saturate? into the damaged area like a sponge.
Once the resin has saturated the damaged area. Mix a filler (here we call it ?flox?) this is a chopped cotton fiber material to make the resin into a paste. Apply this over the damaged area. Many times you can apply some clear tape over this to kind of form the resin/flox to the airfoil shape. This will save a little time in finish.

Then once it is dry, you can sand to shape. We use standard automotive finishes, so anything you have there will work just fine.

I hope this helps you.
Craig Catto
Hope this helps
That's interesting... I ordered a Catto prop last August and was told about 10 weeks. Well I"m still waiting and I'm beginning to think I've been taken in on some sort of ponzi scheme! I know Catto is a reputable company but has anyone else had to wait over 6 months for a prop?? I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that this will be worth the wait.

Yeppir, I ordered mine in early 2006 when he was just a 1 man show. I got it in October of 2008 as I recall. Worth the wait I believe. He has help now and is producing faster I understand. Hope this helps your frayed nerves. :)


On Feb 26 I received my prop. After inspection I re boxed and returned it the same day. Why? No nickel leading edge! Somehow that item got lost between talks and order form. On Apr 10 the next prop arrived with the nickel edge (after extra $$ was sent) but with incorrect data on the sticker. It reads 180hp RV6 instead of 160hp RV9A. I was relieved after a phone call confirmed that the important numbers were pitch and diameter and were in fact correct.

Both times I returned home from work to find a propeller on the ground in front of my door. No heads up, phone call, e-mail, tracking info to let me know it was on its way. So, bottom line, would I recommend this to someone else? Answer, yes. Craig makes a very nice (U.S.) product and appears to be suffering from growing pains of a small business.

My project looks nothing like it did 8 months ago when I ordered my prop. I'm happy with my decision and hope this post helps the next builder.
Both times I returned home from work to find a propeller on the ground in front of my door. No heads up, phone call, e-mail, tracking info to let me know it was on its way.

Another very well-known VAF advertiser and tool/goody supplier, definitely not a 1- or 2-person business, has the same practice (no shipping alert). With those guys I don't understand it, with a truly small business I can.

Fortunately I live close enough that when mine is ready I will drive there and get it.
Out where I live the UPS guy is famous for the "ding-dong ditch'em". By the time I walk to the front door, he is down the street. Never have to sign for anything. FedEx is much better about making sure the package gets to the sender, and the USPS is somewhere in between.
FedEx tracking # was a day late but its here!


WOW, that looks very nice. I looked at all the props and talked to all the prop guys at SNF, but I believe a Catto is the prop for me.
I would order early then, granted I told them I wasn't in a hurry and I would take the last one off the assembly line it was just shy of 4 months. I put my order in the 1st week in Jan and they were starting a production run of Rv props late Jan. I would at least call/email to find out when the next production run of Rv props is coming and plan accordingly. It may take several attempts to contact them but they are very nice and make a great product!
Recived mine a week ago, sent with Fedex incl tracking, 1week from Catto to the very top of Sweden :)


Dennis, I like the colors! I was going to do a 2 blade as well but Craig said the 3 was the way to go with the O-360.
Ok, i have a O-360-A1A, as i understand it, there are difference in climb performance, but a 2blade might be a tad faster... I?m trying to build it light and powerfull so it should climb anyway ;)