Darren S

Well Known Member
I'm thinking of flying there soon. The write ups say that the runway has potholes and loose gravel!?? Sounds pretty lousy to me. Any pireps? I got wheel pants on my -7.

Back in the day I would fly the 172 out there and fly over the island, I think the runway has a hump in it, sketchy visual on take off? also I think there is a landing fee? also I use to take by boat over there, that water is COLD! make sure you have the appropriate safety gear for that crossing!
KAVX Runway

I flew there in March 2015. Runway is a bit on the rough side & there is a hump about 2/3 of length (westward) & there is a $25 landing fee, payable at the tower (they call you to pay it!).

I flew in a rented C-172, so the roughness and hump were non-issues.

If you want to go back in time, that's one place to go. Going from the airport to Avalon is possible, but I did not attempt it.
Good stuff Pete! Thanks for the link to your video. Well done:). I hope the winds are light when I go!

I have always wondered what it was like to fly in there. Thanks for the video. Any idea how far away Avalon is? Also, what's in Avalon worth seeing/doing?
Avalon is a few mountainous miles away. It's quite a hike to walk (although quite picturesque if you are into that thing). A bus travels between the airport and Avalon too.
I have always wondered what it was like to fly in there. Thanks for the video. Any idea how far away Avalon is? Also, what's in Avalon worth seeing/doing?

You can rent snorkel or scuba gear and swim around with the fish and the kelp right out in front of the casino. Doesn't look like much from dry land but pretty neat once you stick your face in the water.

Or you can belly up to one of the restaurant/bars.
I'll give a full write up when I get back. My research thus far tells me: There is a landing fee of $25 and a $15 bus fare to get to Avalon. There's a hike around the airport if one desires.

I'm planning to leave Calgary Jan. 1st, clear customs in Spokane then stop (because of daylight) in some joint called Winnemucca, NV.

I just called the airport manager and he has a plug-in for the Reiff preheater, a loaner car and Avgas. That's all I need. Day 2 is a stop at Van Nuys!! Gotta stop there!! Loved the movie so bucket list item #1. Then off to Catalina, bucket #2.

The return leg will take me up the Oregon coast and maybe Tofino, BC if weather permits.

No better way to kick off the new year:)
I am jealous.


No better way to kick off the new year:)

They say; how you start New Year that way it will go. I am surprised how runway deteriorated since 2012. It was perfect pavement, very long and straight no hump. Unless you are talking grassy side. :D

Take an aerial tour it's a beautiful place...

Please report here with your famous video.
Transportation on Catalina Island

Depending on the time of year, there is a bus that runs from the airport to Avalon. Looks like the winter it runs twice a day but in the summer, I think there are 5 or 6 trips.
When enroute to L.A. Keep an eye on the weather, this time of year the L.A. Basin can close up with costal fog. Whiteman Airport (KWHP) is just North of Burbank, but its a small GA friendly airport with cheaper fuel than Van Nuys or Burbank. If the basin closes in, check out KWJF in Lancaster. Usually a good option if the basin weathers in, and a short hop to the basin when it clears. Avalon can also get weird with fog. I have seen half the runway VFR and the other half IFR. Avalon has a VOR and GPS approach. As mentioned the runway has a hump in the middle that is notorious. Many pilots have locked up the brakes or ran off the runway thinking it was the end. Make a good fly over recon of the runway before you set up your approach. They have a landing fee, I think a fee for additional passengers, and the bus to Avalon is 25 per person, oh and its too far and steep to walk to Avalon. Also while you are down that way check out Chino airport KCNO. Its a great warbird hub, theres the Warbird Museum, and Flo's Airport cafe. Enjoy
I was just there last week in a DA-40. The runway is good, but the tie-down area is still a bit rough. Bring your own chocks. I don't remember any tie-down rings.
The runway is just fine. A few rough spots but nothing to worry about. If the wind is blowing on shore, be careful for the downdrafts as you come in over the cliff at the end of the runway.

The airport DC-3 Grill has good food, but a bit expensive (as is everything on the island). If you get down to Avalon, take the local bus up to the Wrigley Memorial, then you can walk down to the Green Pier and out to the Casino. You can rent a golf cart in town, but you can't drive it up to the airport.

Some recent photos here, and a video here.
Land to the right of center if you feel comfortable and able to do that. It's noticeably smoother on the right.

With the wind blowing rotors can develop at either end of the runway so plan to touchdown a few hundred feet down the runway - runway is 3,000' so there is plenty of room. There is never a reason to be below the end of the runway elevation while on approach. You don't do that anywhere else so why start now . . .

Don't let the sight picture get into your head. Pilots get anxious with the cliffs and sloped runway but if you just fly your normal pattern you'll be fine. Again, its a 3,000' runway.

If the approach becomes uncomfortable at anytime just go-around.

It can get busy so keep your head on swivel for the occasional knucklehead in the pattern.

You cannot see the end of the runway due to the hump so maintain positional awareness while you're on the runway.

Pay the landing fee first thing after landing by climbing the stairs to the 'tower'.

Bring a set of wheel chocks.

Eat a buffalo burger. That's what they are famous for.

With all the switchbacks and elevation changes the bus ride into Avalon is far more exciting than the landing.

Fantastic information guys. Thanks!!! Putting the final touches on today for tomorrow's departure.

Great suggestions on other things to see:)
I was just there last week in a DA-40. The runway is good, but the tie-down area is still a bit rough. Bring your own chocks. I don't remember any tie-down rings.

There are cables to tie down to on the SW side of the ramp, off the pavement, in the direction of the hangar.

If you end up on the north side of LAX (at VNY, SMO, or WHP) read the LA TAC chart for procedures over LAX: "Mini Route" if you want to talk to ATC, "Special Flight Rules" if you prefer to self announce like at uncontrolled fields.
I had club membership for a couple of years when based at Hawthorne. It pays for itself after 6 visits. The runway isn't great but it shouldn't be a problem. Some of the parking is on loose gravel, so best to push the last few feet off and on to avoid prop damage.

There are plenty of hiking possibilities from the airport circuit at 45 min to an hour up to 2-3 days going end to end. You are likely to see the buffalo roaming. Be careful when they are with the young calves, but generally they will ignore you. If you're lucky you might even see the Catalina Island fox, but it's usually gone by the time you've raised your camera. The airport restaurant has great views and they put out sweetened water to attract the humming birds.

You'll not regret visiting and check out the pictures of the airport hay-day with John Wayne, Winston Churchill and others.

You've got me thinking about making another visit now!
Darren just arrived at Catalina. Left Calgary just before noon on the first. He is making great use of the huge high pressure over the west.