Well Known Member
First... DUH!!! You need brakes to maneuver an airplane with grocery cart steering. Enough said.

I must have had an original version of the parking brake on my plane because the gasket must have blown out when I stepped hard on the brakes after run-up. I needed to straighten out the nose wheel for takeoff. I do not recall soft brakes at that moment. Later I saw red brake fluid all over the floor and the rest from the reservoir had followed drying into pink goop along the firewall, but I was unaware of all this. It was a good thing I had so far held off putting in the interior mats...

Looking in the Spruce catalog at the latest parking brake I clearly see a different washer/gasket setup than I had on mine. If you have the rubber O ring gasket with no copper to retain the gasket shape, think about replacing it soon. but the story...

I was unconcerned as I veered slightly off centerline as the nose wheel touched down. The runway at S36 is narrow but so what. Touch of the petal and the view should change. Well unlike a tailwheel there is no steering without brakes as you get to slower speeds.:eek:Touching the peddle, is just for the observers amusement at that point. You need brakes to steer. For a moment I felt I might get one of the first zero rated landings here at the airpark. (You get zero points for taking out a runway light, or running through the back of the hangar. It is in the rating system. Go look for yourself.) I figured that I would coast coolly onto the taxi way between the lights and let her stop her self. Well I pumped against a brake that was sucking air and had a quick lesson in hydraulics. Then it came to me to spin on the left brake 270 degrees. At that point I was just trying to miss the blue lights and thinking I should not have made a wish for the new Hartzell ScimitarPlus Prop. I stopped, sat half on the runway, half pointed up the exit for a while, and came up with some new combinations of words as they came to me. I looked around and figured that it might be a good idea to risk a short blast to move the plane into the grass off the runway before I shut it down. Another plane was calling in on the 45 to the pattern so there were a few minutes to sort it all out. Any way, I have some new crush washers and will reinstall the fixed parking brake soon.

I would still put in the parking brake. I temporarily bypassed the parking brake and went back to flying the next day. Later this week I flew off to purchase some crush washers at Spencer?s Aircraft. As I tried to park the plane the wind kept trying to blow it down wind before I could jump out and get the chalks set. I will get the parking brakes fixed ASAP. :eek: