Dale B.

I just started working on the Rotax motor installation. Page 46-03 Step 5, "Remove the retaining nut from the bottom of the rubber insulator several inches aft and below the mounting bolt location."

Well, not watching what I was doing, I started unscrewing the nut with an open end wrench. When it came loose the nut fell and I didn't see it fall. I found the nut wedged down in a crevasse of the motor casing. I can't find a washer. I can't say for sure that there was even a washer there. I searched everywhere .... except behind the fly wheel. Lord help me if it is hiding there. Does anyone know if I am looking for something that was not even there?
Been there done that

I feel your pain. I've had that happen multiply times. Sometimes you never find it.:confused: Other times it turns up after your all done. If it's in the airframe I've even fished with a magnet on a a aluminum rod. Used mirrors. Snag wires, whatever.
Dropped one side of a set of dimple dies years ago in the shop and never did find it. I know it's lurking somewhere in the shop just laughing at me.:rolleyes:
The Rotax has a permanent magnet alternator (dynamo) that collects any dropped nuts or washers. Make sure the missing washer (if there was one) is not stuck in the alternator.
I think you got lucky this time. According to the Rotax Illustrated Parts Catalog, there is no washer, just the hex nut below the tang on that bracket. It also calls for a drop of Locktite 243 when (re)assembling. If you don't have a copy already, download the 912 and 914 Illustrated Parts Catalog from the Rotax site. It's huge, I just printed the pages and parts lists that I needed for reference working thru Section 46. I shows all the places they want you to use Locktite and which variety. Breath easy and have fun!
Best Regards,
Sloow Build Kit #121

I don't know anything about your Rotax. But...

1.) Welcome to VAF! (with apologies to Mike Starkey)
2.) Good name you have there.
The Rotax has a permanent magnet alternator (dynamo) that collects any dropped nuts or washers. Make sure the missing washer (if there was one) is not stuck in the alternator.

That was my big worry when I dropped two nuts and washers in succession trying to fasten a pair of those &@#$$ spring-loaded Adel clamps to the engine mount. Found the nuts without too much trouble, but couldn't find the washers anywhere despite using mirrors, torches, magnets etc. to search every FWF nook and cranny I could reach plus the workshop floor. Even checked the nose gear leg to see if they had fallen down there. My main concern was the possibility that they had been catapulted into the narrow gap between back of the engine and the rear plastic cover. There was no way I could think of to be sure, short of removing the engine to get access, so I just did what I could and hoped for the best.

I eventually found a washer of the right type on the tray of the trailer I used to transport the plane to the airfield - so I think it was one of the missing ones that must have finally rattled its way clear. However, I still haven't found the other one, but as the engine has been run a few times now and hasn't blown up yet, I'm hoping all is well. Just a common sense tip from a now sadder and wiser builder - when you're installing stuff around the engine, don't ignore that small nagging warning voice in the back of your head like I did, but step back and take the time to use some rags to cover up the vulnerable parts first. You may save yourself a lot of worry later.
Thanks everyone. I will go forward with the understanding that there was no washer to be found. ..... This forum is a life saver. ... got to love it!
Welcome to VAF!

Dale, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D


1.) Welcome to VAF! (with apologies to Mike Starkey)

Dale, no apology needed------the more folks who welcome the newbies the better.

Now about that name thing...................;)