
Well Known Member
Trip down from the Portland area was blue skies, head winds, and some pretty good bumps through NorCal and the NV stretch. Once east of the Cascades, the route pretty much follows I395 through high desert valleys and Juniper and Pine forests.
I had arranged my arrival with Dayton Murdoch (buy his tailwheel if you want to pull some weight off the back of your RV), and was very glad to have my airplane tucked safely away in his hangar for a few days.
My arrival day winds where moderate, but the next three days; 35mph steady, gust to 45mph. Made for some challenging Golf. I was glad my airplane was secure. One of the Golf courses, Dayton Valley, future home of Paul and Louise. You can see the airpark from the course. Did they name Datyon Valley after Dayton Murdoch, hmmmm....
Dayton and I where able to catch breakfast and get to know each other chatting up our antique tailwheel experiences and of course RV's. Dayton is a super guy and it was a pleasure to get to know him better. One of the great benefits of being part of the Van's Airforce community, some of the best people you will ever meet.
The airmet for turbulence rang true and produced a very bumpy ride home but strong tailwinds shot my GS to 200kts at times. There is just something cool about going 230mph over the ground.
Three Sisters over the Cascades

Mt. Bachelor Ski Runs

High Desert

Dayton's Beautiful RV-4

Tucked away with Dayton's 4

Weird things in the high desert. This is "hole in the ground". Seriously.

Deteriorating weather as I close in on home, Shocker!

The Gorge near Hood River just over the first hill.

The rest of my pics in the Gorge where blurred from rain on the windscreen and bumps.... suffice to say, made it home under a low cieling safe and sound.
One of the Golf courses, Dayton Valley, future home of Paul and Louise. You can see the airpark from the course.

And, VAFer's Paul Walters and Ron and Kelly Walker!

I am so envious, sitting her in the oppressive Texas heat. What I wouldn't give for some significant texture to the landscape!
Jon, Great trip/pictures.

Welcome back to cloudy NW.
Although today is is beautiful outside, tomorrow it is going to rain.

Hey, it will soon be the 4th of July and then the rain will stop for a couple of months. :) Flying will be great then.

Confirm something for me, those who know.

Looks like in an RV-6/7/9, its either the golf clubs or the spouse, not both.

Stock plane - no extensions through the bulkhead, I mean.

Will clubs fit in the back seat of a 4? Stand carry bag like Jon has in his picture?

Confirm something for me, those who know.

Looks like in an RV-6/7/9, its either the golf clubs or the spouse, not both.

Stock plane - no extensions through the bulkhead, I mean.

Will clubs fit in the back seat of a 4? Stand carry bag like Jon has in his picture?


If you have to ask, you aren't taking your golf game seriously enough... :D
Confirm something for me, those who know.

Looks like in an RV-6/7/9, its either the golf clubs or the spouse, not both.

Stock plane - no extensions through the bulkhead, I mean.

Will clubs fit in the back seat of a 4? Stand carry bag like Jon has in his picture?


I take the passenger seat back out, so it effectivley becomes a single seat airplane. You can fit the clubs in the baggage area and put the bag in separately, but it is a hassle and not all clubs and bags may fit.
I do not know how you fit clubs into a 4 or 8.
When ya' all com'in?


When is everyone planning their move? I sure would like to see some more activity out here in Dayton! : ) Working slowly on the 8 tail kit still. Need some motivation and pancake runs. ;)

Bruce Gray
RV8 #1 sold
RV8 #2 tail kit
Dayton Golf Course(not airport) :(
Just the opposite, Michael.

I have to ask because I'm not taking my flying seriously enough!

Still curious about the 4. Looks like you could put the bag in the back seat footwell if you removed the back stick, but every plane is different. Could be rudder cable problems. Or lay the back seat down if there is enough room between the back baggage wall and the back of the front seat.

No one around here has a 4, and I've seen what appears to be some decent ones come available lately.

Thanks, Jon for the response on the 6.

When is everyone planning their move? I sure would like to see some more activity out here in Dayton! : ) Working slowly on the 8 tail kit still. Need some motivation and pancake runs. ;)

Bruce Gray
RV8 #1 sold
RV8 #2 tail kit
Dayton Golf Course(not airport) :(

Paul and I plan to start building in about a year. Looking for the right contractor and architect. (Please PM any advice.) We're not sure on the move date but probably 15-22 months from now. The sooner, the better in our thoughts!

I think the others have their plans further out, like more than five years from now. But, we'll continue to try to recruit more VAFers into the neighborhood!
Is "hole in the ground" a meteor impact crater? Where on your route is it?

My understanding is that it is a crater from an explosion of steam when this area was a lake some 18K years ago, or something like that. It is not an impact crater. Other interesting sites in this area;
Fort Rock - An outcropping of rock that looks like the walls of a large fort.
Crack in the Ground - Not to be outdone by Hole in the Ground. Crack in the ground is a length of open fisure a couple miles in length and up to 80' or so deep. Very narrow but you can walk and climb around the bottom.
Newberry Crater - The remnants of a very large volcano now standing with two lakes in it.
Ice Caves and Lava Tubes - They are all over this area.

There is much more to be seen in this area of Central Oregon if you get that chance to get to the Bend/Sunriver area.