
Well Known Member
It happened when taking Megan back to Madison tonight, somewhere over Badgerland. I don't know what it was, but I saw a flash, then heard and felt a thunk. June bug season is upon us. You could smell the bug guts when I wiped down the plane.

It was juicy, and now, very, very dead......... 3-D Enotmological Carnage.......


Pete, you just helped me remember the bottle of Bug Slide that was in the garage from Harley-Davidson days. Need to add that to the inventory list on our home fire loss claim. And rags. Lots of microfiber rags. :rolleyes:

The splatter on the side of the fuselage is impressive. If it were in Nebraska I'd vote for a cicada, but up in MN or WI a mosquito sounds about right. :)
You could smell the bug guts when I wiped down the plane.

Me and another RV pilot were just talking about this a few weeks ago. It doesn't seem to matter the species - all bug guts would appear to have a similar smell. And, when my cleaning rag smells like that even when it's dry, then I know it's time to wash the cleaning rag.
There's a great joke to go with this, but I don't think the forum software would let me post the punchline... :)
Yuck! I still recall some 10 years ago, at 1000 agl above a lake, hitting some big, juicy bug. I actually saw it coming directly ahead, and just as I was instinctively ducking, it got chopped in two by the prop. The main wreckage splattered just above my line of sight, while the smaller debris was scattered across the right windscreen. The main blob was about 2" in diameter. I think it was a dragonfly, but alas, no flight data recorder could be found in the guts.
Years ago when I was about 18 my then girlfriend and I were on our way back from a party at a local lake about this time of year on my motorcycle (no windshield, we had helmets on) when we went through a swarm of June bugs at about 60 mph. We were wearing just bathing suits. We had green slim on us like we had been slimed on Ghostbusters. It was gross but hosing off later was not bad.
Worst than that is when I got pooped on at 3,000 feet. Rite in the middle of the windscreen. :eek: that was an old thread.
When you clean down after a flight, you get round the the back end and come on guys......

You've got to feel for these champions.

They are the bugs that got through the prop.

They are the bugs that got past the wings.

They missed the canopy.

They hit the tailplane...... Bummer :D