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Anyone? Bob Mills? Steve Smith? Bob Kuykendall?

PS - For anyone unfamiliar with this project… This is exciting stuff!
And, we got Mike Starkey to re-name the original thread so the title makes more sense.

I still have the tapered aluminum spars that were depicted in the beginning of that thread. I had discussions some time ago with a builder that thought he might want to use them for a project, but I have lost track of who that was. At that time we had identified two vendors that would hydro-foam aluminum ribs. The spars are sized correctly to fit into an RV-8, so if someone has the ability to make aluminum ribs for a tapered wing, I would happily share the design and sell you the tapered spars for just the material cost.
Bob, Steve, thanks for the update….freaking awesome and exciting!!

Mods….With the re-naming of the original thread, this thread is now redundant. I tried to delete but it will not let me. Can someone please delete this thread for me?
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