
Well Known Member
Has anyone used the carbon fiber baggage door made by Charles Wilhite? I did a search and under "carbon baggage door" , one person stated that they were no longer made then on 12-21-07 Charles Wilhite put up a post saying he was still making the door and put up a link to his web site.....Thanks
When word of the Carbon Fiber baggage door first hit the web, I was about ready for a baggage door, so I contacted him and got myself on the very early waiting list. He said it would be a couple months. I figured that I had nothing to lose by building the metal door in the meantime - at worst, I'd have a piece of modern art.

740 flying hours later, I am still waiting for him to call and let me know my baggage door is ready. Glad I didn't wait!


I also heard the composite version didn't fit much better than Van's. Some people had good luck, others didn't. (this is from memory of the Matronic's list).


Now is Sandpoint, ID. :)
I just ordered one. He was very responsive to my e-mails before I ordered. Said he didn't have any on the shelf so it would be a week or so to put one together--so maybe if you order now he'll have the assembly line already up and running.
I just ordered one. He was very responsive to my e-mails before I ordered. Said he didn't have any on the shelf so it would be a week or so to put one together--so maybe if you order now he'll have the assembly line already up and running.

Hope you ordered it C.O.D.!
I have heard many horror stories about the delivery times but it was mostly on the carbon fiber canopy that Charles produces.
Good Luck!
<<Welllllll...... I dont know what I am going to do.>>

Build the aluminum hatch. Like the ad says, just do it. It looks hard, but its not.

Want a laugh? You know the way the upper skin comes with the baggage door outlined by a waterjet cut? I cut the tabs, cleaned up the edges, and built a very nice baggage door using the cutout section, never realizing the real baggage door skin was in the bottom of the big flat box <g>
<<Welllllll...... I dont know what I am going to do.>>

Build the aluminum hatch. Like the ad says, just do it. It looks hard, but its not.

Want a laugh? You know the way the upper skin comes with the baggage door outlined by a waterjet cut? I cut the tabs, cleaned up the edges, and built a very nice baggage door using the cutout section, never realizing the real baggage door skin was in the bottom of the big flat box <g>

Hahaha! I just recently found that out too!
Hope you ordered it C.O.D.!
I have heard many horror stories about the delivery times but it was mostly on the carbon fiber canopy that Charles produces.
Good Luck!

I guess I'll see what happens--but so far Charles has been very responsive, has asked pertinent questions to ensure I get what I want, and answered my e-mail sent last night asking when it would be done (said it will take 1-2 days to produce and should be at my house by the middle of next week). So far my uh-oh warning light hasn't gone off (knocking on wood right now). Will post again if/when it arrives.
carbon fiber door

Buyer beware!
I was one of Charle's victims on the carbon fiber canopy. One year later and after many broken promises of delivery, I finally got my money back. I was the lucky one. I know of several others who paid up front and have been fleeced out of their funds. He has been sued in court and lost, so his assets might be getting frozen.. He talks a good game but doesn't follow thru, so as one poster said insist on COD only or BUYER BEWARE. I am posting my experiences, so others won't fall into the same trap as I did.

Baggage Door

Thanks for all the info. I am still doing the gear legs so I have a little time to decide.
Just an update to say my carbon fiber baggage door arrived today. Charles seems like a pretty good guy who responded to my e-mails and phone calls promply. My beef was that he overpromised a bit--had he told me it would take 4-6 weeks to produce and ship, no problem. Instead he told me a few times it would be on the way by the end of the week, then something would get in the way. So overall it's here before I needed it, it's what I expected it to be, and I'm happy but if you're going to order one it's probably a good idea to check in with him every week or so to make sure it's still on track.