dick seiders

Well Known Member
Putting in Larry's heat boosters today I noted a small oily discharge coming out of the clear plastic vent tubes on both carbs. Does anyone know what is going on there? Is it to be expected, or otherwise?
Thanks for feedback.
Dick Seiders
Discussed with (Lockwood) Rotax rep today. He felt it likely is an oily residue coming from evaporated fuel. Purpose of the vents is to allow any material building up in the carbs to vent overboard. That is why Van had us put drip pans on the carbs. Rotax rep stated it is not anything to be concerned about. The residue (about 5 or 6 drops on each carb drip pan) represents a 40 hr accumulation. I will monitor each oil change (35 hrs), or each time the top cowl is opened for any reason. Am curious if any one else flying has seen this?
Dick Seiders
Carb vents

Hi Dick,
Yes, I have noticed the same amount of evaporated fuel residue from the vents on my drip pans, a few drops after 40 hours on the Hobbs.

Noticed the same during the condition inspection. A bit of oily residue in the tube, no drips/drops in the drip pan.
Thanks for the feedback gentlemen. I suspect if we heard from more it would turn out to be fairly common. It would be interesting to see if the folks using 100ll a lot are seeing anything.
Dick Seiders