
I'm New Here
just got the new carb. springs from vans installed in place of the stock rotax springs. best $16 i ever spent.
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I got mine too...agree about the best $16: Throttle doesn't creep as before and the vernier function works OK...not the same as you'd expect in a Lycoming or Continental...but works.
Are these the springs related to SB 14-12-16 which specifies "Aircraft with original Rotax springs not affected"? My understanding (please let me know if I am wrong) is that this has nothing to do with the controversy about the throttle creeping issue.
Yes and No.
Yes, The new McFarlane 6822 are supposed to replace those springs which tended to break. They also have the benefit of lower tension. My original Rotax springs were about 7 lbs tension at idle (at 64 mm length). My new 6822 springs are about 2 lbs tension at idle length and this does reduce the tendency for the throttle to creep.
Yes and No.
Yes, The new McFarlane 6822 are supposed to replace those springs which tended to break. They also have the benefit of lower tension. My original Rotax springs were about 7 lbs tension at idle (at 64 mm length). My new 6822 springs are about 2 lbs tension at idle length and this does reduce the tendency for the throttle to creep.

I will second your Yes and No answer by saying this:
- Yes, I have experienced throttle creep with my original Rotax springs, mainly in the first hours of flight when I did not know how to adjust the throttle friction correctly
- No I do not experience throttle creep after 100 hours of flight and leaving the friction system alone after founding the sweet spot.

As always, FWIW :)