
I'm New Here
Hi everyone,

New RV7a owner here and still a beginner with building and maintenance. I am to add the carb heat attachment in this photo with the duct flange and Exhaust Heat Muff attached to the FAB. The RV I bought doesn't have this and it's from 2010, but I couldn't find any references to the installation in the builder manual or the revisions (https://www.vansaircraft.com/service-information-and-revisions/filtered-air-box-fab-instructions/)

Could anyone guide me on where the instructions are / how to put this in?

Hi everyone,

New RV7a owner here and still a beginner with building and maintenance. I am to add the carb heat attachment in this photo with the duct flange and Exhaust Heat Muff attached to the FAB. The RV I bought doesn't have this and it's from 2010, but I couldn't find any references to the installation in the builder manual or the revisions (https://www.vansaircraft.com/service-information-and-revisions/filtered-air-box-fab-instructions/)View attachment 70268

Could anyone guide me on where the instructions are / how to put this in?

The instructions for the carb heat door are on page 4-5 of the above linked document, though there isn't a lot of detail or a diagram, but you can work it out as you build it.
IMHO the design is kinda ineffective because of the gap between the duct flange and the top of the air box. It is just going to allow unheated air to be sucked in.
Some builders, myself included, make a different arrangement for the connection to the FAB and I can post a pic if there is interest.