
Well Known Member
I attached my exhaust system and started fitting up the heat box and noticed that, even with it as far over to aircraft right as possible, it does not align like in the photos in the plans. It's more centered or slightly aircraft left. This makes it impossible to get the carb heat alignment as per the photo in the plans using the pre-welded fitting that comes with the kit and attaches to the air box. I can't get it any further over to the aircraft right side. It's right up against the joint. I think I can make it work but it will not be a straight line as the plans photos seem to show. Have you seen this problem before? And is it something I need to be concerned about? Thank you.

John Walsh

-----Original Message-----
From: John Walsh <[email protected]>
To: jowal5 <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, Oct 19, 2015 6:09 pm

1 Attached Images
or bigger carb heat
