
Well Known Member
If one has contaminated fuel, found metal and plastic bits (1mm) in my fuel at the gascolator and fuel drains and engine sagged twice. I plan to purge the entire fuel system, what do I need to clean on the marvel schebler?


The carb has a small finger strainer on the inlet nut. Pull the fitting to the carb then pull out this strainer (loosen the inlet nut on the carb - the strainer is soldered to this nut). This should catch most of the debris, but a safer bet is to pull the carb, separate the halves and clean out the needle/seat, main jet and metering passageways. It shouldn't take but a half hour once off. You'll need the main carb gasket for reassembly. It's likely that blockage upstream of the carb caused the engine issues, but you don't know. You could also test fly and then clean the carb if you still have issues, but you run the risk of engine sputtering on the test flight if the blockage was in the carb.

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I pulled the carb strainer, it was clean as you suggested it would be. I continued to run fuel through the tank/gascolator filtered and recycling several times. I also did both tanks to be safe. It's clean now.

I suspect the sagging issues was the old baffling in the air intake folding in on itself unsupported. I ordered new baffling and I'll get that fixed.

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This was an issue with the baffling flipping into the induction. Not a fuel issue. It's now gone with many flight since I've replaced the seal and made a bigger lip in the induction intake to secure it.