
Well Known Member
Does the float SB need to be done on my carb?
Here is what's on the carb:

CK 9 18985

Engine is O320-D2J. Was on a Skyhawk for 2000 hours in the 80's and 90's before it was overhauled. No mention of carb work in logs.
Float SB

My guess is that the SB has not been done. I believe that the carb should have an M (indicating the addition of a metal float) stamped on the data plate if this SB has been complied with. It is easy to remove the four screws holding the bowl in place and drop it for a look inside. I will add that since that SB was issued that some of the metal floats sold for the repair have had another SB sent out warning about a possible leak developing in them. Good luck.

RV-4 N7028K
Metal floats

Since the carb was made in the 80's, wouldn't if have the old metal floats?
Are the new SB floats metal or plastic?
new floats

They're made of solid epoxy, at least for the MA4-5.

If you can't determine SB application, then either check Tempest/Volare website or call Vince Bechtel at 843-991-1199, although he did say email is better: [email protected]
This is *not* an effort to tell anyone what to do or not do about SB's & AD's, but isn't it interesting that every time design ownership of that carb changes hands there's an AD or SB issued.....
