
Well Known Member
The Garmin G3X writes data at 1 Hz to SD cards, and I've gotten a lot of mileage from those data. However, today that data rate just wasn't fast enough, and I need to tap into the 115 kbaud serial data port and capture that data.

Since these data will eventually be analyzed on a Mac, SD card and USB thumb drive are attractive for the data recording. I did find an iPhone cable, but that would require me to write a custom app.

Any ideas?


The 16550 UARTs in most PC's are capable of 115.2K -- run hyperterm (Windows) and see what you get from the G3X.

Copy the buffer to wherever for analysis.
Laptop, USB to serial adapter. Most (or all) will handle well in excess of that speed.
Thanks, guys, but I?d prefer not to have to take the laptop in the plane. I?d rather have a much smaller data capture device and then download. Don?t know if I?ll find anything like that, but...
Thanks, guys, but I’d prefer not to have to take the laptop in the plane. I’d rather have a much smaller data capture device and then download. Don’t know if I’ll find anything like that, but...


This was quite a while ago when this was done so some of the pics are missing and some of the content is dated and not sure that was the final version of the code but, yes there is a way to build an SD card logger that can keep up with the G3X serial stream.

I recently logged data a ton of G3X serial stream data with the logger I built back then for the On Speed AOA/DIY HUD project. Still works great!
RS232 data logger

Maybe something like this?
RSLogger Module Industrial
I don't know anything about the company or have personal experience with the product, but it looks like an interesting and affordable way to log RS232 data. Small, light, writes to any FAT32 USB media, and accepts a 5 to 24Vdc power supply.


There’s a V3 box and wiring harness with your name on it. It’ll record G3X data (as well as AFS and Dynon). All of these systems record at a different Hz rate. Believe Garmin G3X rate is 10Hz, but I have to check my notes. Our pressure sensors record at 50Hz (as does my ancient Dynon D-10A). The calibrated test boom we fly records at 20Hz. Lenny’s software integrates everything using your GPS time to synchronize. Download data via WiFi post flight.

Drop me an email,


PS, We are getting caught up with developmental test flight, so if you have specific data points you want flown with the boom, send me a run card and I’ll see what I can do. WiFi interface is complete and we put a field in there for you that will allow you to adjust tone damping real time.
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