Flying again!

Well Known Member
Doug suggested the picture of the RV-10 on the Front page begs a caption contest so I’ll start.

- Any idea why my speed is 20 knots lower than other RV-10s?

- These new tires really reduce landing roll!!!

- Will these flat spots work out if I taxi some?

- Will balancing help the vibration?

- Not sure about these re-treads from Flintstone Enterprises, the are cheap but.....

Have fun - TJ

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- Parking Brake? We don't need no stinkin' parking brake!

- I'm having quite a bit of trouble making Van's wheel paints fit! Anybody else have this problem?
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No need for chocks while parked but the guy behind me always gets a little upset when I try to taxi out.

Seattle area
-My ex really knows how to push my buttons.

-I think I’ll name it SpongeBob.

-Off to the land of misfit toys.

-The bank said that their agent was going to pick it up before the end of the day and to have it ready with the keys in it. Oh I left the keys in it all right.

-I read a magazine article that recommended running “23 squared”.

-Turk said that the vig was a point a week and if I ever pissed backwords I’d be wearing Hoffa shoes.

-It’s something Boeing engineers came up with called MCAST.

-I may have taken a few liberties, but my jamb nuts are tight as **** and I’ve labeled the **** out of everything.

-They say that when OSH tower assigns you that colored dot on the runway, they expect you to nail that sucker.

-My grandson stuck his ice cream cone in the fresh air intake. (Made you look).
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-Any of you guys running the gear leg stiffeners? I seem to be getting a wicked gear shimmy on takeoff/landing

-No more flat tires!
Obviously one of them there Canadian Eh? (A) models

(OK- you have to watch south park to understand)

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