
Well Known Member
I took my neighbor Steve up for a little evening sightseeing tonight from the -9A. We headed straight to KSTP for a few touch and goes on this clear, calm night. As you fly south from Anoka County to Downtown St. Paul, two things dominate your view. First, the Shoreview Antennas, and then the Minnesota State Capitol.

We completed 3 T&G's with the view of downtown in the background - 14/32 on the left and 13/31 on the right....


As usual, the STP controllers were great and cleared us to circle the Capitol for some shots. So we made a left turn over down and started shooting(pictures). I'm still learning this low light stuff, so I was pleasantly surprised that some of the shots are respectable. These were with my "nifty fifty" a plastic f1.8 50mm lens I picked up for the Rebel on the cheap. 1/80 on the shutter, ISO1600, wide open at f1.8. Here you go:

Capitol with downtown St. Paul just off to the left.....



A bit closer - a little grainy at High ISO, but not too bad.....


One more with the St Paul Cathedral just visible on the far right.


Back to ANE for a black hole approach.....


Nice way to spend the evening, with the best part - no bugs to clean off!!!
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Pete - outstanding photography. But, I think you mis-labeled which picture contains the black hole....

the Capitol!
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Nice pics!

The pic's are beautiful Pete. Brought back some memories of steep turns at night in your 9A. What's the model number on your rebel? That takes some awesome night photos. My Nikon SLR is always blurring the night shots. Probably operator error though.
Great pictures!

My wife shoots with the same camera/lens setup - works amazingly well. I've also found that processing the raws though something like Photoshop or Adobe Bridge and running noise reduction that way, then converting to jpgs results in a moderate improvement in total noise level as compared to the in-camera noise reduction and jpg conversion.