
Well Known Member
Anyone on here a frequent flyer to Cape Santa Maria/Long Island bahamas.

Our canuck group is heading there in two weeks, there was someone on here that owned a condo there, trying to get some local intel on boat rentals, fun spots to visit, is the runway doable or best to just tie down at Stella Marais and cab it, etc while staying at the resort for 4 days.

Anyone able to give fairly current pireps please let me know, much appreciated.
Flew down April of 2015.

We landed at the Cape. Did just fine. 11 minute walk to the resort although they will happily give you a ride back and forth. First 300' landing east is a bit rough and the rest is rustic but ok in my view. We found two sets of tie downs in place. More than that will have to provide own tie downs. We did not rent a car. Paid a local arranged through the resort to show us around. Saw the Blue Hole, deepest underwater hole in the Bahamas. Did day flights in and out daily. Fernandez Bay on Cat Island is a good day trip. 1 mile walk to the resort with good lunch. Back at Cape we Road free bicycles to Columbus Memorial on north shore. Great food and drinks at the Resort a bit pricey but we didn't care, we were on vacation. What the heck. Met other pilots at the resort. Fun to hang out with. Fueled at Stella. Pricey but available. Never miss a chance to gas up. Have a great trip!