
Hello fellow Van's flyers:

my RV12 (SLSA) has gear damage and I am looking for a capable shop to carry out this repair:

Van's recommendation is to replace the F-1204D bulkhead located behind the main landing gear attachment point, which has been badly damaged on the right side. Also, the large U channel shall be replaced as well. This undertaking would require some good craftsmanship, RV building experience, and paint capabilities.

My shop in central Florida is overloaded with work and can not do this project. Could anybody recommend a shop that you have had good experience with?

Thanks a lot in advance
I was going to recommend the folks at Lockwood Aviation in Sebring, but guessing that might already be the overloaded shop you mention.
Worth doing?

My insurers wrote-off my RV12 following a broken noseleg landing. There’s lots of labour for a major repair. Mine was damaged as far back as the F-1202 bulkhead (including that one). Is it all worth it? I’m rebuilding mine but had to wait 6 months for parts and the rebuild is more complex than the original build. I’m budgetting on 12 months elapsed build time, part-time admittedly, but I did build it originally so have all the tools, plans etc.

Good luck!
My insurers wrote-off my RV12 following a broken noseleg landing. There’s lots of labour for a major repair. Mine was damaged as far back as the F-1202 bulkhead (including that one). Is it all worth it? I’m rebuilding mine but had to wait 6 months for parts and the rebuild is more complex than the original build. I’m budgetting on 12 months elapsed build time, part-time admittedly, but I did build it originally so have all the tools, plans etc.

Good luck!

I was wondering about that too. Getting that U channel out seems like a very big job based on putting it together. I wondered if rebuilding a fuselage would not be close to equal work. The firewall part would be small compared to the U channel.