
Active Member
Can?t see the GPS . When flying in clear bright sun shine it is impossible to see the glass screen on the GPS map. We have a new I Fly GPS. We were thinking of up grading to an all glass Dynon panel but if the glare is bad with the GPS what would it be with all glass? I am sure others have had the same experience . Not wanting to reinvent the wheel what is the solution?

All ideas and pictures would be appreciated.

Dick Johnson
Can?t see the GPS . When flying in clear bright sun shine it is impossible to see the glass screen on the GPS map. We have a new I Fly GPS. We were thinking of up grading to an all glass Dynon panel but if the glare is bad with the GPS what would it be with all glass? I am sure others have had the same experience . Not wanting to reinvent the wheel what is the solution?

All ideas and pictures would be appreciated.

Dick Johnson
I have a totally glass panel. I have GRT EFIS screens with a Garmin 695, not the Dynon. This picture was taken in full bright sunlight with most of the sunlight shining on the screen. I do not have problems with seeing my screens in sunlight. The only issues I have is when I do not keep the dust cleaned off the screens. The dust can reflect the sunlight and make seeing difficult sometimes. This is not an issue of the screens as much as it is my housecleaning prowess however. :p
Can?t see the GPS . When flying in clear bright sun shine it is impossible to see the glass screen on the GPS map. We have a new I Fly GPS. We were thinking of up grading to an all glass Dynon panel but if the glare is bad with the GPS what would it be with all glass? I am sure others have had the same experience . Not wanting to reinvent the wheel what is the solution?

All ideas and pictures would be appreciated.

Dick Johnson

Big difference in the screen brightness of the iFly and the Dynons. You will not have any difficulties seeing the Dynon devices.
Another hint!

Try to avoid wearing a white shirt. White clothes reflect a lot of extra sunlight onto the screens.