mike newall

Well Known Member
I know the rules are different in the States, however, has anyone given any thought to gluing an RV12 canopy on as we do on the 7/8/9 etc ?

I am about to order a couple of 12's for a build project and still shudder at the thought of drilling holes :eek:
Drilling holes - -

Use a 'Plexi' bit for first hole, then a step drill for ANY enlarging. You will have no problems. Go slow with step drill. Wrap masking tape on step where you want to stop enlarging. Try this on a piece of scrap. You will find it works VERY well if you follow the above.
I have glued canopies on a 7 and an 8 - much, much better all round. I don't have an issue with the drilled mounting but feel that Sika may be a slicker method.

I understand the issues with drifting from standard, but am guessing that some 12's will already be EAB.
Drilled the forward and aft holes today. I've taken my time on this part but at some point you jump in and get it done. Wasn't too big a deal and of course you get better as you progress.