
When trimming the lower edge of the windscreen, where it meets the fwd upper fuselage, should the edge of the plexi be 90 degrees? Or should it be cut at an angle so that it rests squarly on the upper skin? Thanks!
90 is fine

From what I recall researching this and my experience on my installation - 90 is fine, in fact some gaps are fine as long as they are small. The fiberglass takes care of the rest.

TIP: Dye your resin with black dye (ACS has it) so you don't get to look at that weird off yellow/green color every time you go flying.

From what I recall researching this and my experience on my installation - 90 is fine, in fact some gaps are fine as long as they are small. The fiberglass takes care of the rest.

TIP: Dye your resin with black dye (ACS has it) so you don't get to look at that weird off yellow/green color every time you go flying.

Thanks Brent - will get the dye.