
Well Known Member
Fellow Tip-Up builders,

I now join the crowd of Tip-up builders who is replacing there C-702 canopy top skin.

For those familiar with building the Tip-up canopy, you all know you can't have clecos in the fuselage forward top skin (certain locations) with the canopy top skin on while opening the canopy for test fitting. As the canopy swings open it will hit these dozen or so hole locations. I knew this and managed to build the canopy to the point where I was taking the canopy off for dis-assembly, primer painting, riveting and final color painting.

However I wanted to sit in the cockpit one more time to build my enthusiasm to finish the canopy off. But right before that I was checking some final fits and installed 1 cleco to hold the forward top fuselage skin down at on of these "don't install a cleco here you'll be sorry" location.

I did enjoyed my time in cockpit and proceeded to remove the canopy. As I was disassembling I noticed a rather large dent in the forward edge of the canopy top skin. Profanities flew and after doing a rather good job of sheet metal magic I was able to flatten the dent and it looks undetectable. But there is another issue. During the dent and flatten process the skin locally stretched and it isn't as stiff as the surrounding material (almost like it is oil canning).

With all that said I am going to replace the skin. Since it is prepunched it should be too bad. I hadn't dimpled the skin yet so I can use it as a drill guide for some of the builder drilled holes.

So for all you would be Tip-Up builders out there, be aware of the cleco locations from ****.

New Canopy Top Skin $24.72, Shipping and handling ~$20.00, Delays and frustration, priceless.

Just venting,
