
Active Member
Is it possible to tint a canopy for an RV-4? The Texas heat is killing me and I've been told it has been done before.

Any information on who to contact would be greatly appreciated.

Sweating in San Antonio,

Bob Richie
N9611C RV4
It's possible, but...

It's possible to tint a plexi canopy although I don't know how you'd be able to do something as large as a bubble canopy. (I believe tinting is applied to the plexi prior to it being blown to shape.) Have you considered stick-on window tinting available from auto parts stores? It would require some creative trimming to get it to conform but I'm certain it'd help to keep the sun from scorching your dome!

Good luck.
Tinting and vents

Bob, just a data point for you.

Before I ordered my canopy from VANS I asked Barb what it would cost extra to have it tinted. The reply I got was that the standard was tinted and it WAS quite considerable. My memory, which is way beyond TBO, says 30%. It is not obvious until you see it beside a bit of truely clear plixiglass, or look at explicitly. I have just been out to the hanger to confirm this.

I think that tinting it more (if you can), may not cut down the heat, just make it absorb more and more heat, like a black body, until you cant see out but are really coooking!

In the -4 I am building, to fly mostly in the N UK, I already have 2 vents, and plan on a third to get air around my head. I am remembering how hot it can get in sailplanes. Perhaps you need to invest in more vents, a shade and a hat? Just a thought.

Good luck!

PS Please send some of that Texan sunshine this way!