
Plans page 38-21 Step 1 says to tape the template on page 38-39 to the canopy skin. The template say to check to make sure it is 1:1. It's not. Not only is it not printed 1:1, none of the layout lines are dimensioned. So I can't even lay it out manually. Frustrating to say the least. What has everyone else done to deal with this?


Relax, you shall figure it out.
Being this far along in the journey shows some serious perseverance. Only a few more surprises.
Argh, the electrical gremlins.:)
I would use centerline.

Also check 1:1 per SECTION 3
Don?t know what section 3 is referring to.

Go to you local copy shop. Have them do a 103% copy. Recheck and rescale as needed. Its a pain but probably the quickest path to resolution.
Go to you local copy shop. Have them do a 103% copy. Recheck and rescale as needed. Its a pain but probably the quickest path to resolution.

You could also print the PDF version - this should be correctly dimensioned natively (print using the ?actual size? setting) and will maybe just need adjustment for tolerance of the printer itself.
Is that an original from the plans? Or did you get a revision from Van's Aircraft website and then print it out? I notice that the holes are not punched out.
I had to call Van's to get a 100% size version sent to me. Or you can ask for a file sized correctly and take to a print shop. If you send me a PM with your email I'll send a copy of the file.
I asked because when you download the revised plans on Van's website and print it out, the sizing is not correct.

In the original plans that came with the kit (at least in my case), the sizing was correct.
The one in the picture is a copy that I had made from the original drawing that came in the plans. I thought maybe my copy was bad but went back to the plans to find that it matched the copy. The original was not 1:1.

I ended up using the rivets in the drawing and on the plane to locate the intersection of the centerline and the canopy line and that worked fine. See my blog for details...