
Well Known Member
This morning my inattention cost me a crack in my canopy. It's a 1-11/16" long crack.
My plan is to stop drill it with a 1/8" plexi bit.
I am also considering filling the crack with plasti-fix.
Any thoughts are appreciated.

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Any thoughts are appreciated.
Two thoughts: first, I wish I hadn't listened to some bad advice: "let's see if it's any bigger in the morning" and stop-drilled it immediately.

Second, the crack can be repaired (sorta, kinda -- with an acrylic solvent) but that "huge" 1/8" hole will continue to grab your attention. Don't make it any larger than necessary. I was far from home so I stop-drilled mine with a ground-down #40 drill bit (3/32").
My discipline

Sometimes I even impress myself. Today with my ability albiet hard, to pass on a 4 ship practice session in order to not make my canopy crack any worse.

It took all the willpower I could muster to call "OUT" and keep the plane on the ground until the drilling deed was done.
How do you apply the acrylic solvent?

Will it follow the crack if applied in the stop hole?
I cracked the base of my windscreen (looked very much like your crack) moving between a heated hangar and very cold outside air a couple of years back. I took some advice here and drilled with a very small bit (I can't remember the size, but it was around 1/16 or 3/32). I also thought originally that I would "fix" the crack with solvent, but took some additional advice to let it be after stop-drilling; never went back to use the solvent, and all remains fine after another couple of winters.
Same here

A lot of Canopies crack at that spot. With mine it wasn't a high spot but a low spot in the frame. When the screw was tightened it pulled the canopy edge toward the frame and stressed the plexi. After running the engine it cracked. You can get Weld-on number 4 for the crack and Weld-on number 6 for the hole from Amazon. Be sure to get the applicator bottle for the number 4 solvent. The crack won't disappear but it is less noticeable after repair and the bond seems strong. John

I ordered PlastiFix then continued to read online about the repair. The more I read, the less I wanted to attempt it. Now after talking with my go-to mechanic I am waiting until he can use his expertise to make it better.
He said it won't be totally gone, but close.