
Well Known Member
I've started fitting my Canopy skirts and I'm after a general consensus on trimming at the top and bottom.. Is it general practice to have the bottom of the skirt in line with the forward skin at the bottom? The top has been trimmed to the scribe line, is it the norm to trim it down parallel to the rivet line at a set width or just left as is?





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sorry can?t see the pix

per my drawing 44, I got rough dimensions for the top (section A-A)
and bottom (section Y-Y). The top, other than the minimum edge distance for those rivets, is probably up to you, although the drawing shows it just covering the canopy frame tube, which is what I did and think looks ok.

On mine, the bottom does closely line up with the edge of the forward top skin, although you will be spending a fair amount of time on that windscreen fairing, which will mate with it in a manner of your choosing.

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sorry can’t see the pix

per my drawing 44, I got rough dimensions for the top (section A-A)
and bottom (section Y-Y). The top, other than the minimum edge distance for those rivets, is probably up to you, although the drawing shows it just covering the canopy frame tube, which is what I did and think looks ok.

On mine, the bottom does closely line up with the edge of the forward top skin, although you will be spending a fair amount of time on that windscreen fairing, which will mate with it in a manner of your choosing.


Thanks for your reply, I'm glad I asked as I just peeled the masking tape off with the lines for the holes in the plexi and as it bends around the back there is a few spots where it's right on where it needs to be as it wasn't a good fit so Thank You.

Oh and yours looks great!
Also starting to trim the canopy skirts. Did the 1/4 inch outside the scribe line. Will need to trim further mostly on the bottom.

What is the consensus on trimming vertically at the rear?
Eliminate the overlap I presume???

Thanks for any advice...!!!