
Well Known Member
I am wondering what to do about the inside of the canopy skirts, specifically, how and when to finish them. Seems that painting them after the canopy is completed would be problematic. At this point in construction, I have no idea what the final paint scheme will be anyway. Do most guys paint the inside of the skirts with some neutral color after they are fitted and all the attachment holes drilled full size prior to final installation?


I just cleaned mine up a little bit and painted them white (same as rest of interior) before I riveted the skirt onto the frame. This seems to be the most common approach.

I have seen others who have painted and also used fabric to line the areas between the canopy frame tubing. Both look nice.

When you are flying only the passenger gets to look at that stuff anyway, so I just stuck wtih the paint myself.

A little something that I think finishes the canopy nicely is once you are ready to rivet everything together, mask off and paint (satin black) the area of plexi where it attaches - essentially like a car window surround would be painted black right on the glass. I painted the inside of the plexi overlap from the bottom of the plexi edge up to where it intersects wtih the the top of the outside canopy skirt.

Here's a pic to give you an idea:


That way the inevitable dirt and grime that get between the canopy skirt and plexi will remain invisible.
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What Rob said!

I painted 'em with my rattle can gray before rivetting them on, and figured I could always use some fabric later on. Later on hasn't happened yet.....
