
Well Known Member
I'm in need of the canopy side skirt edge bending tool. Need it today but I'll take what I can get :) . If someone close to Ohio could loan me thiers I'd be forever in your debt.

Rick Gray
200 Baker Trail
Vincent, Ohio 45784

Of course, I'll reimburse your shipping costs when I mail the tool back to you.

Talked to Curtis (Team Rocket) today and he tells me that both of Marks are out on loan and they are not sure who has them.

Posting this over on the Team Rocket Forum as well.
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I have one of those tools, left over from the RV4 days.
Give me a call.
513-583-0094 Home 513-325-3278 cell
Will Do

Hi Jon,
Just saw this...little late to call so will give you a buzz in the AM.
Thank ya',
What does a "canopy skirt bending tool" look like? Anyone have a link to a source?


I called Jon back this morning and he said he was mailing me his today :).

Thanks Jon!!

It's basically a metal plate with 4 bearings mounted to it. Should translate to about a 3/4" flat flange folded onto a rolled side skirt.
I'll try to remember to take a pic of it and send it to you before I mail it back to Jon.
canopy skirt bending tool"

The "canopy skirt bending tool" does a tool vendor sell this tool? I have a ¼” gap at the bottom rear of my canopy and would like to bend the metal before painting. Would this work with this tool? Any ideas on closing this gap up are appreciated.
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I have a gap on both sides of the forward part of the skirt about 1/2"... The aircraft is complete, already painted. Any way to seal that up? I didn't notice it at first but started to realize that everytime I leaned my head over to the side, I would get a lot of static on the intercom, and then realized where it was coming from.