
Well Known Member
Here is a new idea (as far as I can tell) for an RV-8 canopy shade. My main criteria is to not touch the Plexiglas. Items used:

2 Walmart automotive windshield shades. The large ones with the metal ring on the outside that takes a masters degree to close. I used the two pieces of shade material attached down the middle. A portion of the metal rings used for the bows. The riveted attachments keep them in the right orientation.

Four PVC snap clamps as shown in the photo. (Found on line in greenhouse supplies for clamping plastic sheeting onto 1/2" PVC pipe.)

A tailor. (couldn't find one so I did it.)

Medium thickness felt from Home Depot for the inside of the clamps.

The pictures would only upload to tinypics upside down, no matter how I saved them on my computer. We'll see how the come out. You may need to turn your computer upside down.

Clips on and off easily. Not sure how well it will store in flight yet.







Nice innovation there! I always enjoy the sprit of innovation and home builders never cease to be creative. Well done.