
Well Known Member
Where can I get the file to load the sensor data for the canopy? I've tried the file 2 times from the Vans site and the data does not load.
Canopy Sensor Data

Not sure if the HDX system is completely different than the Skyview touch but, in my system I have the canopy switch send a signal, open or closed, to Skyview. Depending on the condition, it shows a red or green circle labeled "Canopy" on the Skyview display. The configuration file is needed to create an audible warning when engine RPM exceeds 1500, or any other RPM you choose, with the canopy latch opened.

The switch and the file are two separate components.
Two sources

Ken is correct. Any contact input from the EMS can act as a canopy sensor. Just characterize the sensor setup according to whether the contact should see ground or voltage. Decide on a widget and add it to your screen. I chose a hollow circle which becomes red if the canopy is open. The widget will function in this fashion at all times. Adding the canopy file to your system allows a voice warning "Check canopy" any time the canopy is showing unlocked above an RPM you specify. I set mine to 1900 RPM. The canopy will show unlocked below this but there is no warning which is useful when I taxi in the summer heat. If the canopy were still not locked as power is brought up past 1900 for takeoff the warning would sound. The file is on Dynon's site but I can send it to you as well.
