
Well Known Member
I ordered and received the canopy seal kits, front and rear. The package was complete - but no instructions! I have looked online and cannot find instructions, especially for installing the rear canopy seal kit. Help!
I must be missing something, it is not in my 34, not in 34 of the DVD I just got from Vans, not in any of the revisions or updates to 34 listed on the web site.
I must be missing something, it is not in my 34, not in 34 of the DVD I just got from Vans, not in any of the revisions or updates to 34 listed on the web site.

I have the same problem. The CD I just bought from Vans is dated 4/16/16. It's not there, in my plans nor on any posted updates on the web site.
I must be missing something, it is not in my 34, not in 34 of the DVD I just got from Vans, not in any of the revisions or updates to 34 listed on the web site.

Starting on page 34-17 in the PDF copy from my CD purchased last year, runs through page 34-23.
Starting on page 34-17 in the PDF copy from my CD purchased last year, runs through page 34-23.

What is the date of your CD? Probably can't get one anyway.

Since it's not on the latest CD, not on the web site, and not in my plans, short of getting a CD like yours, where can the plans be obtained?

I know I'm gonna end up embarrassed but I can't find it and my grandkids are not here.:eek:
My DVD is not dated per se, but the date on the construction drawings is 2/3/2016. Problem is, the darned DVD does not have a section 34 at all!
Section 34 is bundled into the section labeled 12 Section 30-38 Finish on the CD PLANS since it is part of the Finish Kit Plans Set. 30-38 indicates a range so you will find 30, 31B, 32, 33, 34, 35, etc there.

The sections that are broken out individually are generally not part of one of the major 'Kits'. (ex: autopilot servos, lighting, etc...)
Thank you Joe. I knew I was gonna be embarrassed, just didn't know how badly.
Right in front of my nose. All I had to do was read.
I ordered and received the canopy seal kits, front and rear. The package was complete - but no instructions! I have looked online and cannot find instructions, especially for installing the rear canopy seal kit. Help!

Odd, I received mine about two weeks ago and the instructions were folded up in the bag with all the seals.
Now, interpreting the instructions.....that is whole different story.
Kind of Mickey Mouse. The rear canopy seal is the easiest part.
I can send you a pdf of the instructions tomorrow night if you like. I am already at work now.
Well, somewhat embarrassed to say the least, but there is was where I was told!
I hated going thru that though, I have been building since 2010 as EAB, so everything that is different or strange, I have to stop and read it all to see why mine is different. Sometimes I don't even know the answer!
Call it what you want, but if the instructions are followed, it results in a water tight (yes, flight testing in heavy rain was even part of the development process), draft free canopy.

OK Scott, that is all I can really hope for, no matter what it looks like.
I have heard that the canopy bulges outward along the bottom plane while in flight. Have you experienced this? I have installed pins midway on the canopy frame where it intersects with the canopy deck for assurance this will not be possible. I have also sealed the fuselage rear bulkhead as you previously suggested.