
Well Known Member
A small section of my canopy broke off and I cannot find a product that will glue it back together. It's around an inch long corner piece. I can paint it gray and hide it if i can find a plexiglass glue.
I built a fairly complex syphon and trickling filter for a marine aquarium out of plexiglass using thin cyanoacrylate. I ran the system for over 10 years with no leaks. The joints were very tight fitting and went to transparent when the glue was added.

I have never used it on a canopy however.

The trick would be to wick it into the joint without getting it on the surface as it will leave a mark.

Try it on some scrap first...
Google 'plexiglass cement' or 'acrylic plastic cement'.

Basically a solvent weld, like the original glue for plastic models (if you're old enough to remember the days before people started sniffing it & we could no longer get the good stuff...).
Weld-on, we use it for building aquariums and such. There are different consistencies from very thin to thick. I would use like weld-on 4 which is very thin.
Canopy Repairs


I have used WELD-On 3 a few times to repair plexiglass ( Canopy ) and it is working really good.

Just be careful not to drop any on any part of the canopy that you don't want fixed as it will dull the plexi ( Like a burn)

Once glued in place, the part will never let go, it will break beside the old crack not where the old crack used to be..

Good stuff


at IPP or other plastic supply houses.

methylene chloride is the water-thin base for all of these, as far as I know.
we used to make our own thick glue by adding plexi shavings to a coke bottle of MC. ( yes, that long ago!)
Aircraft spruce has the thin Weldon #4, and Wal-Mart has the honey-like #16 tubes I believe.

sign supply places have all the stuff, including tiny plastic bottles that won't dissolve, with needle dispenser tips, you can just touch it to the crack, it will wick in, then a little pressure to 'weld' together.
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