Well Known Member
Somewhere in the threads was something about how someone installed the canopy release mechanism handle behind the instrument panel; its purpose primarily to remove the canopy for maintenance. I like the idea since I don't want the emergency T-handle in my instrument panel. I haven't had any luck finding the related thread.

Can someone help with this? Maybe some pictures showing the install?

Just did this very modification this weekend. I don't have any pics yet but will try to remember this weekend if your still interested.
In words, I shortened the WD618 handle so that with the handle full forward in the canopy capture position the grab "T" bar is about 1/16-1/8 inch from F-768 sub panel. I then marked location for mounting a DG clamp and installed a k1000-08 nutplate. Make sure that the clamp is facing down and that you have clearance for the canopy frame. The DG clamp is used to lock handle in capture position. With this configuration there is no easy way to jetison canopy in flight.
Or you can...

I didn't want the sub panel to interfere with my radio installation, so I removed
all the release parts behind it.
Instead I inserted the pins from the outboard bays. I still used the rod attached to the pin, which are secured with adel clamps/hex head screw and platenut.
I have pictures, but can't post them from work. If you want to send me your email address I will mail them directly to you. Or if someone wants to post them for me that would be great.


replace the [at] with @

Thanks, fellows. Very helpful info.

Dave, good pics in the link you sent.
Bill & Kent, I've sent private email request for pics if you have available.

Any other ideas on this welcome.
Thanks again.

Somewhere in the threads was something about how someone installed the canopy release mechanism handle behind the instrument panel; its purpose primarily to remove the canopy for maintenance. I like the idea since I don't want the emergency T-handle in my instrument panel. I haven't had any luck finding the related thread.

Can someone help with this? Maybe some pictures showing the install?

This photo shows how I used the standard tee-handle installed so it is out of the way but still accessable.

Yet, another picture

Check this out, note how an adel camp was used to hold the lower part of the handle but still allow it to turn.

Because my radios come through the area where the meachanism sits, I just removed the whole lot.

The canopy pins are now a nut and bolt setup. When I want it removed, I climb inside , close the canopy, remove the copilot stick , Get underneath and quickly remove both pins. Its very simple , safe and light.

For what its worth, I am looking for a good canopy breaker if I need to get out in a hurry. Any suggestions?