
Active Member
I am planning my RV-14A build.

I think the release handle takes up too much very valuable panel space in the RV-14. I understand some people just cut it off behind the panel making it unavailable in flight.

I spoke to one very experienced builder who told me that some builders had a cable operated canopy release that allowed you to put the release under the panel, out of the way but still available in an emergency.

If you have done this, or know the details I would like to understand what you did.


RV-14A prospective builder
I tried it with the cable system and it was too cumbersome and impractical so I scraped and cut it short behind the panel.
But that does not mean that someone else has not done a better job in design or creating a way to make it practical.
I retained my quick release handle (although I have a hard time thinking of a scenario when I might need it). I didn't want to lose the panel space, so oriented it vertically downwards - an easy mod to do. The T-handle is now down below and behind the panel. Out of the way of knees and legs, but accessible if necessary. Not really sure why Van's didn't do this initially.
This sounds like what I want to do.

I assume there is no way to accidentally pull the handle the way you have it.

Care to share a photo of your install?


I retained my quick release handle (although I have a hard time thinking of a scenario when I might need it). I didn't want to lose the panel space, so oriented it vertically downwards - an easy mod to do. The T-handle is now down below and behind the panel. Out of the way of knees and legs, but accessible if necessary. Not really sure why Van's didn't do this initially.

Hi Lars,

Some picts of your installation ?:)
Here are some pictures from my -9.

Opened and Closed.
Note the Adel clamp down towards the T handle.

(Click to enlarge)

I did cut the tab off, since it was no longer used.
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I decided to install as designed, with one slight mod: I moved the hole for the handle up maybe 1/4". Even though I'll never use it in flight (no parachute) I felt it may be useful for egress in an emergency.

My small change did cause some interference with the canopy - slight bend in the rod took care of that.
I see that Bill R. Already posted pics - my installation is essentially the same. I will try and take a few close ups next time I am at the plane. Yes, no reason to keep the tab, and the adel clamp at the bottom is more than adequate to secure the handle. You'll see that the T handle must be rotated/twisted to activate the release. Not pulled. I think it would be very difficult to rotate the handle inadvertently.
I would think it would be hard to rotate the handle with any load on the pins, too. In flight, or with the canopy pressed against by anything (ground, trees, structure, etc. after a crash) you probably won't have the mechanical advantage necessary to turn the rod.
I would think it would be hard to rotate the handle with any load on the pins, too. In flight, or with the canopy pressed against by anything (ground, trees, structure, etc. after a crash) you probably won't have the mechanical advantage necessary to turn the rod.

In my case, I did not cut the slots recommended by Van's to jettison the canopy. Also the -9 is not "aerobatic", so I should have no need to jettison the canopy.

I also suspect that if you slowed down and opened the canopy, you could still get out but have no idea if that is truly possible.
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Ran into the same issue and put two 45 degree bends in a new rod which moved it over and leaves enough room for the g5 in the center.

Local shop fabricated it for very cheap and I don?t need to do any special connections.
Ran into the same issue and put two 45 degree bends in a new rod which moved it over and leaves enough room for the g5 in the center.

Local shop fabricated it for very cheap and I don?t need to do any special connections.

Would you be willing to post pics of the mod and panel? Sounds like a great way to get some valuable real estate back.

As requested, I'm attaching pictures of the panel, and in addition, I've included the template in case someone wants to replicate. It's important to do two 45 degree bends (instead of one 90) so that you can insert the rod into the panel.




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Another option

Another option is to have a welder rotate the handle then incorporate it with the standby.
