
Well Known Member
I have not put in the canopy release handle in my RV-14 yet. I would like to have the handle there, but I don't like the idea of a handle that someone could pull in while the plane is in the air--kid or something. I know that I would have to be completely not paying attention but....

I was wondering if anyone has done the following.

Install the canopy release mechanism minus the handle. cut the tube flush with the panel and then use a quick release pin when you want to have the ability to pull the canopy hinges. For the rv-14, the tube that has the handle connected to it has an ID in 1/4" and the pins below are 1/4" OD. It seems reasonable that the quick release pin could be slid into it when need. Then drill holes on the side tube where the quick release would set. Then make another place for the quick release pin somewhere else in the cockpit when not in use. Also with the tube cut flush with the panel, you would know that the hinge pins in place.

Does this make sense? Is this a bad/crazy idea?

I did not want an emergency release handle (not tested, no chute, valuable panel real estate, etc.) but did want easy canopy removal (and have used it multiple times). I cut the handle pushrod at the subpanel, and built a tab on the end that screws to a nut plate on the subpanel. (PM me with an email address if you would like pics.)
Or have the handle then add a quick release pin that normally locks the handle in place (like a grenade pin)

I have done something similar to what you propose. The handle on my 14 comes out all the way to the panel, but on the sub panel I have mounted a bracket that can have either a AN-3 bolt or a removable pin securing the handle.

I haven't done any acro with the 14 yet - not sure I will - but if I do, I will replace the bolt with a pin and have an aerobatic preflight checklist that calls for removing the pin, if aerobatic flight while wearing a parachute is intended.

Currently, the handle is placarded with a label that say's 'Canopy Release Handle - Maintenance use only'.

Here is a picture of my installation...

You can just put an adel clamp tightened to the shaft behind the panel so it can't be pulled without removing the clamp. A hose clamp tightened around a few turns of silicone tape would do the same thing.
well if I install so that it can be moved in flight, I will need a work around. The panel design does not allow for standard installation. The canopy gets in the way.
Not sure if it would work for a 14....but in my 7 I did not want to loose any more panel space so I modified it, as others had done, to face down towards the floor. It is not visible so I don't have to worry about an accidental passenger canopy release but I can always release the canopy when I want. Always check it locked for preflight. I wouldn't use it in the air since I don't fly with a chute.