
Legacy Member
I'd like to minimize canopy reflection. Are there rules for interior paint and upholstery, or does color, gloss, etc make no real difference in what you see on the inside of the canopy?
Off the top of my head. Yes there are some things.
1. Tinted helps reduce reflection.
2. Dark colors dont reflect as much.
3. Gloss reflects a lot.
4. Glass reflects a lot (instruments)
5. Lights reflect a lot (EFIS's, moving maps, annunciators, etc...)

You would have no reflection if you painted everything black, installed a black interior, and covered up your panel. But you might look silly and you might crash:)

My wife likes to take photos so I tried to help her with tinting and dark colors, but we still see reflections off the canopy from time to time.

Good topic. I bought a new little Cannon mini DV camcorder recently. It works very well, but has no threads to attach a polarizing filter. Anyone have experience taping a sheet of clear polarizing film or a lens onto a camera? A polarized filter seems to be about the best approach. Any other ideas other than painting everything - including the pilot - flat black?

One thing that I've found is polishing the canopy with Novus #1 will reduce the amount of reflection on the canopy. Last summer after flying to air show after air show my canopy became very "reflective". A good polishing of the canopy reduced the amount of reflection dramatically. I don?t know if this is specific with Novus, but it worked.
I have been told this by a fellow Cardinal flyer that used his plane to take pictures, but have yet to try it,

If you get some black foam rubber make a cone that fits on your lense, you can place the foam rubber against the canopy, the foam will block light from the inside of the canopy but allow you to shoot through the canopy with out any reflections and keeps the camera from scratching the canopy. Sound like it will work, just have not found the stuff or the time to attempt it.
Thanks Kahuna.

Gloss, glass and lights aside, do you figure interior color makes a lot of difference? I'm seeing a lot of light colored interiors, including white and off white.

Anyone been alternating between two similar RV's, one with a light color interior and the other dark?
Dan I have a very light interior and I see no reflection from it. I think the leather is not very reflective as a surface. I would think a white interior would also be ok as it sits so low in the cockpit that there is not much reflective opportunity. Mine is cream colored and I cant recall it ever being a problem.
