
Well Known Member

Doing the avionics and wiring tidy-up so I can get the upper forward skin attached for good and I need to address the canopy release mechanism. When I retract the pins to release the canopy the pins pull clear out of the bearing/hinge blocks and hang loose. It?s a two-handed job to get them back in and difficult with the top skin off. Doing it by laying in the floor reaching under the panel would be misery.

I have not seen any discussion about this so I?m going to double check and make sure I have not missed anything. Everything fits and works properly so I can?t imagine I screwed something up. Just to be clear, I?m talking about the canopy release, not the closed and locked part (which works great.). Seems like I should be able to pull the release handle out and push it back in and the pins stay where they belong.

Thanks in advance. This stuff only comes up when the Vans staff is out of the office. :confused:
@JHartline Do you have any pics of your build from this area? They should be painless and slide in and out with no problems. While easy, it does seem to take two people to install the canopy but I can hold my side with one hand and push the handle in to lock everything in place with little effort.
The functionality is fine except if I pull the handle too far the pins pull out of the blocks. I?ll see if I have a photo.

Doing taxes today as well :(
Those pins should not fall away or disengage from the block further than enough to release the canopy plus a tiny bit more even with the handle pulled outwards.
Thanks guys...I?ll go back over everything and see what I missed. Can?t be much because everything else works fine. Appreciate the feedback.
It looks like the pins are too short, at fully pulled position, the pins needs to stay in place in the bearing block.
Yep...I was hoping I had just milled a pin too short. Left side is just a bit too short to stay put when the handle is out. New pin in progress and problem solved.