
Well Known Member
Hi all a few QQ from a future RV builder;

Is the canopy pivoting on those 2 small pins a weak point? Seems like it should be beefier. Also, how is airflow under the canopy? I don't see any gasket or rim that would stop the airflow from blasting into the cabin...

Thx much guys (and gals :) )
You can't treat the RV-12 canopy like a 737 cabin door, but I wouldn't call the bolts a weak point. It's not two "small pins" at the front - it's a pair of AN4 bolts, with bushings.

The canopy is sealed all around. Mine leaks some air in flight, but I've flown in light rain with no water ingress. It's not done up to snuff nor does it have the new seal kit. All of that is getting fixed this coming month. I'm told the newer seals work really well.
No sweat! The canopy is near and dear to me right now. Mine had, at some time in its life, gotten slammed shut by prop blast or wind and the frame was broken at a corner weld. I made some temporary fixes, but am about to replace the entire assembly. I've looked hard at the pivots, and am pretty confident that they aren't going to be a source of problems. Those are, as I mentioned, AN4 bolts, and are bolted to some aluminum angle inboard of the sheet metal. Pretty stout.