
Well Known Member
Is there anyone who has used Sika Flex to install the rear windows or canopy in the RV-14?
If so how did it work out for you? Would you do it again? How easy would you say it was to use in this situation? Any tips for it's use?
:rolleyes:I have no input on your question but..... your kit number is one lower than mine (140480) and I received it 5 months ago in April. You are either the fastest builder in he Vans universe or else you obsessively plan way ahead. :rolleyes:
Is there anyone who has used Sika Flex to install the rear windows or canopy in the RV-14?
If so how did it work out for you? Would you do it again? How easy would you say it was to use in this situation? Any tips for it's use?

A gentle search on VAF yields the following RV-14-specific conversation. You may consider searching for other experiences and considerations as they apply to other models given the similarities.

I am not the fastest, I began on April 11, 2018 and I finished the empennage kit on August 8 2018.
I ordered the QB wings and fuselage and finish kits, and I did not plan very well so I am waiting, scheduled to be here sometime in November, so in the mean time I am thinking ahead and that is why I asking now. How far are you along?
You probably plan better than me.
Just thought I'd offer another progress data point: I have kit #140494 and have finished the empennage kit, the left wing, the right leading edge & tank, and am almost done with the flaps. My fuselage kit should arrive by late October, so that's my deadline for finishing the right wing and both ailerons.

With regard to SikaFlex, my only experience with it wasn't pleasant (you thought Proseal was a sticky mess!). I installed my last RV's canopy via the traditional method, had no trouble, and am planning to do the same with this one.
I am not the fastest, I began on April 11, 2018 and I finished the empennage kit on August 8 2018.
I ordered the QB wings and fuselage and finish kits, and I did not plan very well so I am waiting, scheduled to be here sometime in November, so in the mean time I am thinking ahead and that is why I asking now. How far are you along?
You probably plan better than me.

I finished the empennage kit metal work about 3 weeks ago and have been taking my time on the fiberglass tips while waiting on my standard build wing kit to arrive in a week or two.
I am not the fastest, I began on April 11, 2018 and I finished the empennage kit on August 8 2018.
I ordered the QB wings and fuselage and finish kits, and I did not plan very well so I am waiting, scheduled to be here sometime in November, so in the mean time I am thinking ahead and that is why I asking now. How far are you along?
You probably plan better than me.

I was in the same situation as you are in now. I didn't realize how quickly the empennage would be assembled and ordered my QB wing/fuse a little late. This made for a 3 month hiatus on building. Once it came in the amount of work that is finished really energized me and now I'm happily building again.