Ken Cantrell

I'm New Here
Greetings all,

I have been enjoying my RV6 (slider) since I finished it 5 and half years ago. I now have 648 hours on the hobbs and have as much fun now as I ever did. I have taken up aerial photography and my shots are better than I thought I would get through the canopy. My question to the group is this...
Would it be possible to slow fly (say, 90 IAS or so) with the canopy open about 6 to 8 inches? (enough for my camera lens) I know it's not recommended but I figured it wouldn't hurt too bad to ask.

Thanks in advance for your replies ;)
Ken Cantrell
Do a search (selected above, third choice from the right) and you'll find tons of threads on this question already hashed out. Some say that a high pressure area behind the canopy will force it closed. Others say you may loose it entirely. If I remember correctly several have even flown with the canopy completely removed...