
Active Member
I am ready to fiberglass the canopy and was wandering what everyone is using for mold release wax . Or what is the best product to use?
Also how is the best way to trim the canopy guides. Mine hit the canopy screws and it appears I will need to grind the screw to miss. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks! Oren
I know some bought real mold release wax. I used good old Johnsons paste wax for floors.I use it in my shop a lot to wax the cast iron parts on my table saw and jointer. It worked just fine over the clear tape as Vans suggests.
The plans say to cut off the threads on that last screw - that hits the canopy guides. Probably still won't clear the nut though. Use your grinder wheel to carefully trim the guide to clear the nut. The plans note that as well. I just did my first canopy layup. Used car paste wax. Had an expert helping me. Letting it cure overnight, then doing the remaining layups. Will know tomorrow if it works - but it worked on the wingtip lights. My expert advised to carefully run a feeler gauge under the edge of the layup after it hardens overnight - but hasn't totally cured.
I used the cake froster too - but I had to sneak it out of the kitchen;) Hey, she'll never know...............
Some years back I borrowed my wife's 1 quart pyrex measuring cup to mix some Imron. Seems I didn't quite clean it well enough. No big deal I thought, I'll just go buy another one and she'll never know. Little did I know that Pyrex had stopped making the style I messed up and I couldn't replace it. Busted!