Tango Sierra

I'm New Here
I am seeking input from the crew . . . I have been looking at the canopy lock (fits over the slide rail on the fuselage) Van's offers for the RV-8 and just wondered if there are any viable alternatives to the $120 version Van's offers.

Any input is appreciated.
[email protected]
make your own

I bought a lock mechanism from Ace Hardware installed it below my canopy handle. I fabricated a stop for it. Total cost, about 5 bucks. Works great, looks good. This is a pretty popular mod, search some of the builders sites.

Call Mike Zeller

I used a simple piece of equipment built by an RV builder named Mike Zeller. I think his phone numbers were (812) 305-2568. Here is a picture of the device on my 8. I put it on the left side. I think it cost about $30. The device simply pivots out of the way if you want the canopy to slide all the way back, but catches in the hook to hold the canopy open to just behind the pilot. It works great!
