
Search for Sikaflex and you will find many threads on this topic. I glued my canopy and was happy that I did it. I made a Power Point presentation on how I did it since I don't have my own website. I then converted it to a .pdf since not everyone has Power Point. I can send it to you if you would like, Just send me an email or private message with your email address.
ericwolf said:
...I made a Power Point presentation...
Eric, would you mind just posting the pdf? I'd certainly like to take a gander, and I'll bet a bunch of other folks would like to as well. Thanks!

--- Oh, and happy birthday!!!!
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My file on Mickey's site


Mickey was nice enough to post my file on his website. Click here to see it. Maybe someday I'll have my own website. No time now, too busy building.

Alan Erickson said:
Eric, would you mind just posting the pdf? I'd certainly like to take a gander, and I'll bet a bunch of other folks would like to as well. Thanks!

--- Oh, and happy birthday!!!!

Great idea, as you can see, from my post above, Mickey did this for me today. You submitted your post as I was typing my last post.

Thanks for the happy birthday wish.